Saturday, May 13, 2017

Assignment 26: Shelby Amato

I absolutely hate analysis essays and even after taking the test I'm not entirely sure I understand them. I think more time could be spent developing strategies to tackle that test: a list of common rhetorical techniques and how to point them out, how to describe the importance of tone, and being concise.

In general, I would like to see some way of simulating the time crunch of writing all three essays in a row.
I think the discussions and grading were very effective but I would like to add a revise section to that so people could take the comments of their classmates and be forced to put them into practice multiple times.
I'd also be interested to see more technically-focused and technically-challenging blog posts and small assignments, rather than just difficult content.
I would eliminate a lot of the video and advertisement projects because it's very difficult to see any connection between them and the focus of AP Lang and they draw on a lot of skills that we haven't fully developed and can't develop without drawing focus from the english curriculum. They come across as somewhat thrown together and busy-work, which doesn't help people put in effort even if they might be worthwhile.
I'd keep about the same amount of work that you have going now. It's not overwhelming but it isn't negligible either.

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