Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 26: Caden Reynolds

I understand that this class, being that it has no actual content mandatory to be taught, is fairly hard to teach. So I understand why I may think some of the things we do in this class are not very helpful towards my knowledge for the AP test. Aside from that, there have been many things in this class that have prepared me well for the AP test. One being the socratic seminars. Those very much helped me learn to analyze a passage and come up with specific talking points, like for what I have to do on one of the AP test essays. All of the essays we wrote definitely made me a better and more effective writer. Reading each essay and grading it definitely made me more aware of how the grading scale is enforced on the AP test, however, using many class days to do this seemed a bit excessive at times, and a lot of the times I would receive little feedback on my essay. Another thing, I understand the logic in watching the videos to help us with our argument essay, but I feel like for the amount of time we took watching them, it didn't help me all that much. And lastly, the practice reading multiple choice tests helped me a lot. Overall, this class helped me improve as a writer and be able to more effectively analyze a passage.

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