Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 24 Rebekah George

The future. Plenty of time for world dominating and conquering on one hand. On the other, I should probably finish high school and graduate college first. The former is a worry for another day. The latter: imminent. Anyhow, this summer I will be shipped (driven) to Alabama to compete in a National Speech and Debate tournament, which is both exciting and horrifying at the same time. Then, work. But this work does have an end goal; I also plan to travel with my dad to Great Britain to look at Universities. Again, both exciting and horrifying. My life is just now getting to “the good part,” so to speak, but that means a lot of change. I have hated high school since the day I started, and I am more than ready to move on. It’s time for a change, yet there is always the fear that I am going to make the wrong changes. This year, I cannot put my finger on any place where I can say “yep, that’s a failure on my part.” It was full of learning experiences that may not have always worked out as perfectly as I wanted them to; however, whether they ended some things or started others anew, I changed. Whether that’s for better or for worse, I’ve yet to find out. Happiness, or general contentment with life, may be far off in the future for me, personally, but I suppose that I’ll get there in the future, one change at a time.

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