Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 23- Taylor Hodges

I have a very wide range of music. Anyone that knows me knows my love for Kanye West and Taylor Swift. Yes, I know there was an issue between the 2 and that was the most stressful time of my life because they were both wrong- but anyways. Back to music. This playlist is the one I listen to whenever I'm stressed out and need to chill:

These aren't in a specific order because I always listen to it on shuffle so I don't listen to the same order over and over again. 

1. Street Lights- Kanye West
This song is slow and lets me relax whenever it's on. It isn't all hype and upbeat, there is a small beat in it, but it's the piano in the back that relaxes me. 808s & Heartbreak is my favorite Kanye album and it's different from his others. It curses one time on the whole album and it's mostly slow. He doesn't talk about sex and drugs, it's about his heartbreak and it's a different view of Kanye. 

2. Hey Mama- Kanye West
This song is so sweet. It's about his mother and hearing Kanye talk about something other than women is pretty cool. It has a constant beat which makes me chill out so I can focus on one thing and get my min back on track. 

3. Born Sinner- J. Cole
I. Cole speaks the truth. In this song, he talks about his life and what he's seen. It's slower so I don't get too hyped up and can lay in bed or drive around and clear my mind. 

4. Barcelona- George Ezra
This is a change up on the playlist. George Ezra's voice is just naturally calming. This song is so relaxing. Every time it rains I listen to this song. It's peaceful. I like it. 

5. Same Drugs- Chance The Rapper
Chance is great. This album is a mix of things and this song is like the middle ground. There isn't any electric intruments and I think that's why I like it so much and why it's so calming. The choir in the back is also new because not many people have that. 

6. Will You Wait For Me- The Dunwells
I really like the instruments in this. It's slow, steady, and calming. I heard this on a random Spotify playlist one day and instantly fell in love with the sound. I listen to this almost everyday when my mind is crazy. 

7. Was It All Worth It- The Dunwells
I heard this song in class a few months ago and added it to one of my other playlists because it had a cool sound to it. It makes me think about other things than what is stressing me out. It helps me put my head back where it should be. The instrumental parts in it are nice and I dig it. 

Welcome to my world of many genres. 

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