Thursday, May 18, 2017

Anakin Reese Conn Assignment 23

This is a playlist of songs I alternate between while writing blog posts, many aren't very interesting, but they serve their purpose when looped, keeping my attention focused on what I'm writing.  Keep in mind that most of these songs are from video games, they may be too simplistic for you to enjoy(or their loops may annoy you), and my interpretations are what I think of while listening to these songs, so it is likely that your interpretations of the songs are different, and their existence together in a playlist may disgust you.  I apologize if any of these songs hurt your ears, give you brain damage, or are unusable for your purposes.  I also hope that this isn't perceived as a joke list, it wasn't intended to be.
Playlist Sequence Explanations
1. Stuck, somewhere better exists.
2. Stuck, you have been somewhere better.
3. You could end up in a bad place.
4. Does this place have any meaning?
5. A better place can be found.

Melancholy, sense that you're stuck somewhere you don't particularly dislike, just that you know there is somewhere else you could be that's better, and that there is no way to reach said place.
Another melancholy song, similar stuck feeling, except you miss something that you once had, and you can't get it back.
Title does a good job describing the mood, a simplistic song, yet it makes me think about the things that have yet to come, and what I could lose as a result through the arrival of those events.
Title doesn't help, makes me contemplate how pointless everything is in the theater of reality as a whole.
5. Terranigma - The Underworld
Helpless feeling, idea that you are stuck somewhere with a possibility of reaching a better place.

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