Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 24- Usha Adhikari

Haha. I looked at this assignment and laughed, I think we can all agree that junior year was as horrible as the seniors made it sound. Academically speaking, I suppose Junior Year has been a success with all As (so far). I learned that I actually am horrible at studying, I would have found this out earlier but that would have required me to actually have tried to study before this year. Life wise, I suppose its been meh, the main thing that makes it "meh" and not "great"?Totaled my car. Over spring break. YAY! Then two days ago, my brother decided it would be a great idea to throw my phone onto the cement and I have no idea what he threw it on but there is a hole, yes a hole, in the top left of my phone, RIP. In all seriousness, this year has been filled with many memories that will last a lifetime, many risks were taken, many mistakes happened, and many lessons were learned.  But, I am uber excited for summer, I will be traveling Nepal with one of my best friends. I will get to meet family and visit places that I haven't seen since I was 4. Im a little afraid granted that I'm going with friends, and considering we're all teens, somethings bound to mess up, o whale. I cannot wait, I'll be traveling throughout Nepal and will be spending 7 weeks there, ad I'm leaving a week after school ends. Senior year will be an interesting one, and I know it will go by crazy fast, it feels like we just started Junior year and it's already the last week of school.what.

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