Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Anakin Reese Conn Assignment 18

1. High School Bucket List
My main goal in high school is to finish while remaining in the AP courses.  At this point, leaving the academy would be the equivalent of death for me, as I would never be the same.
2. College Bucket List
Find a career that interests me, as I have yet to come up with any ideas for a career I would particularly enjoy.  So far I have only found careers that I do not want to invest time in, such as history or language related careers, and especially not teaching careers, as I want to escape schooling, not trap myself in this institution after finding a career.  I expect college to show me what I am interested in, or maybe something else along the way will guide me towards the career I belong in.  Maybe a fissure opens up under my parent's house while I'm asleep, taking the meaning away from the little effort made to write the previous few sentences.
3. Life Bucket List
If me writing this after midnight doesn't involve a sudden aneurysm, killing me before I can struggle enough to get anyone's attention, I have very few plans for my lifetime that I can share in this overdue blog post.  While unrealistic and absurd, I want to find a way to remotely preserve human DNA for future civilization, in a similar way that plant seeds and other valuable commodities are stored in remote locations, such as Antarctica.  The purpose behind such a project would be to send a template of our slowly eroding Y chromosome into the future, so that if a point is reached that males are unable to reproduce without the appropriately intact chromosome, this DNA cache could be unlocked and used to restore the continuation of human existence.  This project would probably end as a loss of tax dollars, or humans transcend the flesh and become the Borg, destroying this project to prevent a resurgence of humans as they once were.  What a waste of time that was to read.

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