Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 26 Rebekah George

This past year, I found simply the process of writing essays and grading them to have been most beneficial to me as a writer. It helped me to develop a consistent style that was effective in getting my point across and scoring well as far as the test is concerned. In the past, I’ve been all over the place with writing, and I think that consistency is the word of the year for me. I have benefited from cutting “no-no” words from my writing, as it improves the standard, per se, of my writing. I know that sometimes, I like to use clichés, but if anything, this year has also taught me to not go with the first thing that pops into my head. Furthermore, the “Writing with Style” scripts and eventual productions were both beneficial and fun. I think that it expelled a lot of useless rules that I used to play by as a writer. And breaking free from meaningless rules benefitted my writing greatly. On a bit of a tangential note, the grading also showed me that sometimes people will appreciate my style and other times they’re going to hate it. Of course, such is life; however, seeing that play out helped me to realize that you can’t please everyone. And, in the future, I’m going to continue to make stylistic syntactical decisions as I please.

The one thing I neither enjoyed nor found helpful this year would most definitely be Socratic Seminar. I understand the purpose, but I do not feel as if the benefitted me, personally. Questionable grading from outside parties and a lot of questions that I felt deviated from the purpose of the seminars for this class made them unenjoyable and unhelpful. I’m sure that they help build skills and that they benefitted other students. But for someone who feels as if they already have the skills used in the exercise, they felt boring and tedious. By no means am I perfect, but there was not a single Socratic Seminar that I liked. I will, however, give the activity that it had interesting readings when they weren’t a billion pages.

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