Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Anakin Reese Conn Assignment 21

The prompt for this blog calls for anything, even garbage writing, which I hold in great supply, but never share as a result of laziness.  While anything is more valuable if there is a scarce amount, a scarcely distributed amount of garbage is still garbage.  Continuing on with the prompt, this blog post will consider the existence of the multiverse, a place where everything happens at some point.  I view such a concept as having no limit to how precise every difference can be.  The multiverse must also contain every universe where the multiverse doesn't apply, meaning that our universe could be severed from others (as far as we know), except that we can "conceive" of the existence of a multiverse.  Any interaction between two different universes should count as the creation of a new universe, as causalities are uniquely different in these intersected universes than the sum of its separate parts.  There are universes that mute our universe from existence to exist temporarily before seizing to exist themselves, restoring our presence in our perceived timeline.  We have no way of knowing, therefore any answer is correct.  Maybe the universe was created at the beginning of this sentence, and your memories of the previous universe were completely conjured up.  You can't ask your past self if you're in the same universe, as that self is dead, and you carry that self's message that "I am here!  I am real!  I was real, and I remain real, YOU are real!", a message written in flesh, one that flesh follows.  If nothing is predetermined, then everything is predetermined.  The universe we exist in follows rules, events that will happen no matter the actions that are taken, as actions for, or against the result are a component of the result.  Defying predetermination is already predetermined.  There is no fighting it, succumb, follow your path, as it was meant to be.  Your life is filled with choice, which is your ultimate, binding chain.  Everything has already happened, and none of it has to make any sense, it owes you nothing.  The few that read this far will ask why someone would waste their time writing or reading this, and the answer is that someone is predetermined in this universe to write this garbage, and this time, it wasn't you.

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