Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 26 - Christian Lauritzen

Personally, I really found the way you teach effective.  The leaving us to our own devices a lot of the time and focusing on what we need to focus on contributed to me being more successful and comfortable with the work I complete.  I found the essay's useful, and would recommend continuing with doing a lot of them (maybe more), but personally, I think we peer review too much.  I agree with the usefulness of understanding how graders would grade, but I felt like after the 3rd essay or so I knew the rubric as well as I was going to, and would've preferred talking more directly with you about my essays or even just focusing on your feedback.  Going through each essay as a 20+ person group just got repetitive after a certain point.  Even when they were going over mine, it was only like 2 people whose opinions I actually valued in our class to review me fairly and effectively, and I didn't find that experience valuable enough to spend 2-3 classes going through everyone else's essays.  To move on from that point, I thank you immensely for the video projects you assigned.  They taught me a lot about visual media, and of all the things I have done in an English class ever, outside of learning how to write at a higher level, the skills I have learned and will continue to learn in the field of media production are some of the most transferrable and valuable I will have in such a media based world.  I know a lot of kids didn't like the way you taught, but yours was my favorite English class I've had, and probably in my top 5 in High School.

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