Sunday, October 16, 2016

Caden Reynolds- Assignment 6

What is the funnest trip you take with your family and why?

What, in your opinion, is the coolest but also the most rewarding profession, and is that what you aspire to be when you grow up?

When we have all the modern transportation technology for people to travel the world easily, why do you presume people who would want to or who could afford to, choose to stay at home and continue on with their normal lives.

 I choose to write about the funnest trip I take with my family. It is actually a family reunion I have every two years. It is usually in early august right before school starts. It is at a lake in Tennessee called Watts bar lake and we stay at Arrowhead resort. Many years ago, my great great grandfather brought his family down to the resort and loved it so much, my family has been going down there for nearly 60 years. Some of us have actually bought spaces to put trailers to keep down there. It is very fun and since the resort is fairly small, our family is usually one of the only people there. That is always one of the most exciting vacations I take all year. It is always nice to meet up with family members that you you only see every 2 years at the reunion. I have great cousins who are always fun to hangout with. My family loves the lake including water-sports. Most of us can ski fairly well. Some people in the family can do much more challenging things in the water like bare-foot ski. Personally, my favorite is to slalom, which is basically skiing but you have two feet on one ski. It is slightly more difficult but is in my opinion more fun. Whenever I am with my brother or my cousins, we always like to tube together, we always like for the driver of the boat to try to throw us off as fast as he can.

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