Sunday, October 16, 2016

Chelsea Avery- Assignment 8

Fears- Ending up with a job I dislike, losing my family, centipedes
Annoyances- ignorance, people who don't think for themselves
Confusions- Why must my whole future be dependent on my actions as a 16 year old?
Sorrows- Losing my father at a young age, losing friends over unimportant things
Dreams- travel, take great photos, meet inspiring people, have good relationships with people
Idiosyncrasies- I've been told I look mean, or have a resting bitch face. Every single one of my current friends was convinced I disliked them when we first met. 
Risks- Traveled to a different country by myself, didn't get abducted (yay!)
Beloved Possessions- then: the pictures my Indian pen pal sent me in elementary school
now: guitar, the postcards I collect (I don't even send them half the time, I just keep them for myself haha) and my camera (which I purchased for myself with the money I earned at Monkey Joe's. Working 8 hour shifts at a place like that takes a lot.)
Problems- commitments

Beloved Possesions- I actually forgot I had a pen pal from India until now. Her name is Dia, I think it was something my mom set up since my mom has friends in India. I used to buy her stuff from the school book fairs and made my mom send them to her. She sent me some pictures once, I actually think I still have them in my closet somewhere. Thinking back, this is probably one of the reasons I am so interested in India and the culture today. And of course, I'm a complete geek for photographs. I just love having something tangible to hold onto that will never change. She probably looks nothing like the picture I have of her anymore but it now just reminds me of my childhood. 
And my beloved guitar, I'm not even that good at playing but for anyone who plays an instrument, I'm sure they understand. Playing is therapeutic, so fun. Same goes for my camera. Taking photos is my favorite activity. If you've been reading my previous posts, I'm sure you already know, I could go on for hours so I'll go ahead and stop now before that happens. 

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