Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 4 Sabrina Lozada

Image result for falling of the berlin wall
In Diana Soliwon's article, "A Look Back at the Berlin Wall", she included this picture that was taken of a West Berliner. The German Democratic Republic (GDR) ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall which served to keep Western "fascist's" out of Eastern Germany. It symbolized the division of people. Because of the Berlin Wall many were separated from loved ones which made the people even more mad, so when the demolition of the wall started many were relieved. As seen in the picture, many people joined into the demolition of the wall. picking at it and taking the pieces as reminders. People on both sides were more than welcoming to the bulldozers that started to break down the wall. They flooded towards each other, many finally being able to embrace loved ones they had been separated from since the wall had been put up.
This reminds me of the many divisions within and among nations, both physical and political. The fact that nations are divided is sad, yet true. It is a constant reminder that it is impossible to co-exist with one another for long periods, if at all. Many people are naïve enough to believe that it is achievable,  but the reality is far from that since divisions are always bound to exist.  

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