Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Assignment 9- Quinn Andrews

War is always a controversial subject. There is no real black and white, it exists mostly in shades of grey. Yet, there are times when war is necessary, and we have a responsibility to partake in it. When our people are being harmed, slaughtered, then we need to go to war. That is not okay, and our government and people have a responsibility to end the suffering and needless violence. Many argue there is no place for war, it only exacerbates violence. This is naive, when people are being mistreated and unjustly, often violently, treated the solution will not come from handing the offenders a bouquet of flowers and saying "please stop." There are malicious people out there and the only solution is to make them regret it, to scare them into staying out of the situation again.This is not some light decision, and not morally okay either. It's a necessity of circumstance and the lesser of two evils. There are other options, sometimes they are more effective and sometimes less. When it's against a nation that also wishes for peace or is willing to negotiate then a peaceful solution may be found. If it's a hostile nation, who wishes for violence, or terrorists then peace can be sought after, but it will be tenuous at best/ Peace should always be the end goal, but sometimes the only way to achieve such a thing is through war.

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