Sunday, October 30, 2016

Rebekah George Assignment 10

Though she may not be one of the Schuyler Sisters, my seat partner lives up to the name of Angelica—which, I suppose the bar has been set by Angelica Schuyler, and she was pretty fly. Angelica has a particular affinity for musical instruments. I am kind of sure-ish that she plays the oboe in marching band, but then again, if you put me in a room full of instruments and asked me to pick which one was an oboe, I couldn’t. I know for fact that she enjoys television, books, fandoms etc. because we’ve been friends for a while and I’ve been to her house. She likes Doctor Who. A woman after my own heart.

I would consider Angelica to be a very honest person, but not as brutally honest as I am. She cares about your feelings and such. It is an honor to be her friend. I appreciate her sense of humor and patience for my weirdness. It also amuses me that she is as much of a procrastinator as I am. We get things done eventually, and that’s what matters.

Much person. So girl. Wow human.

If she were not those things, however, and were something different—and totally not a question that I was asked to consider—say, a color, she would be amaranth. A kind of calming shade of pink, not many people have heard of amaranth; however, amaranth means eternally beautiful and everlasting. I wish the same for my non-color human friend’s legacy with a name that starts with the same letter as this lovely color.     

I believe that Angelica aspires to be a high school band director, which is cool because high school is someplace I hope to never come back to for any reason. I think this puts her either in school still or student teaching and taking night classes in five years.

If I were to compare Angelica to an animal, I would compare her to a bunny because they are both fluffy members of the Leporidae family with a particular inclination for carrots and burrowing into the ground. It is important to note that your bunny or Angelica is not fond of being picked up by strangers or frightening situations. In order to better care for your bunny or Angelica, experts suggest a mixed diet of grains and vegetables. Both bunnies and Angelicas enjoy belly rubs. Having more than one in the same environment may lead to complications or fighting. If you’re interested in ordering either of these items, I am always available for consultation on which bunny or Angelica is right for you.

Thank you
For more information, call 555-9237.

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