Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 2: Dylan Ruddy

As far as big picture view, technology has definitely been greatly beneficial to me, personally. It makes finding information much easier than thumbing through books. I remember a research project once on Ireland in third grade and I asked my mom for help, and she immediately went to the world books and dictionary to look up the capital, and every other little thing on Ireland. If I grew up twenty years ago I imagine that my research technic would greatly resemble that of my mom. I imagine that interactions between people would be a lot more personal, but I can never see myself living in that time without cell phones, or laptops.
However I have had specific instances where technology has hurt me. One instance, and many of you may be familiar with this, is STEAM Academy. I went there wide eyed and bushy tales thinking that I would be walking into a world of technology, where everyone would be taking notes on laptops, and teachers would record lessons and publish them online. But to my great disappointment it was nothing of the sort. Students played on their phones all class, teachers taught like they usually did. If they actually taught that is. Many just sat behind their desks and did college online classes, or watched youtube videos. No weather this was the fault of the school, or the fault of technology is debatable, but I strongly believe at least some of the blame was on too much access to computers and phones with not authority or will power to turn them off. This inevitably put me farther behind in school than I would have liked to be. Another instance of technology hurting me is when I went to the Apple Store for assistance with a battery problem on my MacBook, and left without getting it fixed as well as loosing all of the data on it, which (stupidly) I had not back up.
I image that in the future more things will be done online, such as reservations for restaurants, and such. I also believe that more brick and mortar stores with go out of business unless they sell clothes or food because it will be far easier to compare prices online and get everything you need delivered to you in two days then to spend time searching for the best price at multiple stores.

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