Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 7 Sabrina Lozada

On September 16th, 1620 The Mayflower departed England, and this 66 day voyage was something that has quite a bit of significance. This ship carried about 100 people that would eventually establish the 1st permanent European colonization in New England. This would permanently alter the New World and its inhabitants. For starters, this ship created the Mayflower Compact, the first governing document. This also established the colony as a more religious colony since aboard were the Pilgrims. This was both good and bad. For the Natives, it was bad because eventually the settlement would have conflicts with the natives that would cost many of them their lives. For the Europeans it was good because they were claiming more land in the new world which would yield them profit in their eyes. This made the New world begin to flourish on a global scale. The departure of the Mayflower would lead to many major events that would eventually bring us to where we are today.

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