Sunday, October 16, 2016

Anakin Reese Conn- Assignment 3

The concepts of good and evil are subjective.  Whichever group has a majority over the other group is usually considered good, while the evil minority is considered evil because it doesn't conform to the good majority's standards.  Sometimes a majority-against-minority group situation is backwards, involves only a few people, or doesn't involve a group at all, as good and evil are only concepts made possible by the opinions of one against another, making it a part of struggle, the main content of all stories.
In the movie Dune, the struggle in the story is between Paul Atreides and the Emperor of the known universe Shaddam IV, with Paul having only a small army, and the Emperor having large armies and more advanced technology.  Paul is considered evil in this plot by the Emperor because he and his followers go against his rule, while the Emperor is seen as evil by Paul and his followers because he plans on destroying the planet's worms to harvest all of their spice.  The same could be said for Star Wars between the rebels and the empire, as both sides see each other as evil, and themselves as good, showing that good and evil are just labels for groups who are for or against certain opinions.
Evil cannot exist without good, nor can good exist without evil.  This can be represented by the following equation.
If one isn't present, the other becomes absent.  This is because evil and good are both relative terms that refer to something's opinions opposed to another's opinion.  Something isn't generally evil or good, it either goes with or against popular opinion.
(I have no idea where I was going with this mess.)

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