Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 7 - Naylan James

On October 03, 1995, OJ Simpson was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife and her friend. This event marks a historic time in judiciary history, falling in line with the decision granted to Casey Anthony. This event shocked the nation, as it was a widely followed trial. Prior to the conclusion of the case, everyone was sure it was going to result in OJ being found guilty. This case created a strong racial gap, as (according to polls in 1995) a large percentage of white people believed OJ was guilty, while an equally large percentage of black people thought OJ was innocent. After a 30 for 30 detailing the events leading up to the trial, during the trial, and after the trial, it was shown that many people who previously thought OJ was innocent now believe him to have actually been guilty. This case not only freed the killer of 2 people, but also destroyed the legacy of one of the best NFL running backs of all time. This event clearly doesn't personally effect me, but after seeing the 30 for 30, it opens my eyes to how ineffective our courts can be, especially with all the unjustified killings by the police, who are being acquitted. Shows like family guy have even gone so far as to create episodes completely based around OJ being acquitted.

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