Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 7- Colton Warner

On September 19, 1881, President James Garfield died from a shooting a few months earlier. This is embarrassing, but I had no idea that James Garfield was shot and killed as president and his vice president Chester Arthur became president... the more you know kids. I just find it interesting that with typing in a random date, I can find a plethora of information and events that occurred on that day. 
Through all of my subsequent searching, apparently James A. Garfield was actually pretty relevant for a president in the first century of the office (Abraham Lincoln being the most relevant). Who would have guessed?  He had respected views on civil rights and he dealt with the aftermath of freeing slaves. The Washington Post calls him "the best president we never had, or hardly had." In other words, the death of Garfield was a tragedy. With his death did  came several effects on American politics especially in Virginia law. Chester Arthur ended up creating the Civil Service, and Garfield is now remembered in his elaborate memorial in Cleveland.
Overall, this event helped shape American politics and pop culture of the immediate time. It's a really interesting story too. 

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