Monday, October 17, 2016

Rebekah George Assignment 8

Fears: dying without doing anything important and spiders

Annoyances: incorrect grammar (though I am well aware that I am far from perfect myself) and people

Accomplishments: YLP 2k16 *sobs*, Secretary of State Essay Contest, Speech and Debate Stuff

Confusions: taxes; ew, also people; this election, also ew

Sorrows: ignorance and my life *laughing until the laugh slowly turns into more, ugly sobbing*. Old people sitting all by themselves T^T WHEN THE DOG DIES.

Dreams: (Sleep dreams or life dreams? Because, if it's life dreams, then "sleep dreams" needs to be on this list.) barrister 5eva (like 4eva, but more), wanna write stuff  

Idiosyncrasies: Food touching is ew. Furthermore, eating one thing at a time must happen or it's ruined (You CANNOT eat a bite of x and then a bite of y and then another bite of x. Were you raised in a barn?!) My hands must be 120% clean at all times. People chewing annoyingly is is breathing in a way that is annoying. Or making annoying sounds (though I'm quite the hypocrite on this one).   

Risks: moving to another country where I have no family or friends or anything else, for that matter; only applying to a few schools in the US

Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: Marty, ALL the electronics, every book I have ever and will ever own (my precious)

Problems: (Oh look, something original! No, I'm kidding.) People. The American school system.  


As I named "people" under several...less than yay categories, I suppose that this is the best to offer up some explanation on. First and foremost, I am an introvert. I was not completely aware of this until this past Friday (God bless the Meyer Briggs' personality test). I suppose, I just bought into the idea that introvert equals shy. Shy I am not. But the shy introvert isn't every introvert. You can, in fact, be an introvert and enjoy conversing with other people and giving presentations and public speaking. The real difference between introverts and extroverts is how they "recharge" their "internal energy" (still not one hundred percent about what this actually means). Extroverts recharge by being around other people and (gag) socializing. Introverts, on the other hand, recharge by being alone.

All of that being said, alone time is happy time. I cannot count all the times in one day at school that I think "wow, I wish I were at home. Alone. In my room. Now." All my life I've been told that I am an extrovert because I'm "such a people person" and "great at making friends" (which, I  think should be "making enemies"). I guess I'm reflective, and incredibly self-aware (also something people tell me a lot). Other teenagers like to party or whatever, but my idea of a perfect Friday afternoon is a good book and tons of blankets. Tea? Tea.

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