Sunday, October 16, 2016

Caden Reynolds- Assignment 7

The date I chose was September 17, 1787. On this date, a constitutional convention was held in Philadelphia, and it resulted in delegates from twelve states voting unanimously to approve the proposed U.S constitution. This was a very important day in history as it laid the foundation for U.S government for years to come. For a nation that had just begun about 150 years before, they created something so useful and effective that we still use it today. Their intricate process of forming this constitution forms a system of checks and balances on the U.S government to prevent a tyrannical government from forming. The three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial are given checks on them that prevent that one branch from becoming too powerful. For example, the legislative branch is given the power to pass laws, but the executive branch is given the power to either agree with that law or veto it. There are many more than ultimately make these branches balanced. I very much appreciate this event because I believe that America has the best style of government in the world, and it all started with that one constitution.

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