Thursday, December 1, 2016

Assignment 9: Naylan James

I believe there have been justified wars. The first and second first world war were both justified fights.  Whether it's a fight for the opprossed or for the protection of those who can't defend themselves, a war is necessary. In recent times, however, wars seem to be more about gaining control or money. The current situation in Aleppo perfectly demonstrate how a war can be more destructive than any possible natural dissaster. The lives of innocent civilians should never be put at risk unless it's to help groups who are being attacked (like the Armenians and Jewish have been in the past.) As we've learned, sending troops into areas and trying to "help" areas, we just breed groups with a natural hatred for America. We seem to see ourselves as world police, and just like the police of our nation, we overstep our boundaries on too many occasions. If we continue to try to intervene in anything our highly moraled politicions consider wrong, we'll only start more wars. The best solution wouldn't be to intervene and destroy any establishments we deem unfit, but to peacefully implement ideals that could better an opposing nation. If said nation began to act tyranically or oppressively, we could get involved. Getting involved to make ourselves seem better about ourselves creates more issues than it fixes. Also, maybe instead of fixing the problems of other nations, we should focus on the problems occurring in our oh-so-great nation of the free!

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