Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assingment 12- Ben Lambert

It's a cold, rainy night. The town is quiet, but suddenly there is a subtle rumbling. Louder and louder it gets, and suddenly it's getting close to you. And then you see it: the Sub. Short for Subaru, this creature tears apart the terrain, stopping at nothing. It's something you've heard of, a legend some might say, but never realized the true beauty it possesses. The Sub is, as today's generation may label it, a "g." Transporting me to and from Henry Clay everyday, getting food to fill up my belly, and taking wild adventures, ole' Sub glides through the city. With the versatility of a gazelle, yet the brute strength resembling an offspring from a silver-back gorilla mating with a mama grizzly bear, the Sub destroys the competition. No one knows just how long its been around, but one thing is for sure: that it will not die off.

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