Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Angelica Malkowski

I’m so sick of people who follow the rules. People who actually consider the feelings of others. Why bother?? It’s everyone for themselves, man.  It’s an ice cold world out there, and no one cares for anyone but themselves. Anyone who thinks differently is kidding themselves. Why go through life thinking of others? Being nice to others? Being polite? In the end, you’ll just be used and left behind in this fast-paced world. It’s better to just be yourself and do what you want. If I want to drive 50 mph above the speed limit, why shouldn’t I be able to? After all, I bought my Lamborghini with my own money that I worked hard for and earned fair and square through my family inheritance. This is America! It’s my right as a hardworking, honest citizen to do what I want with my money and life. And I want to look out for myself and follow my own rules. What’s so wrong with that? Screw those rule-followers who waste their time trying to be considerate and polite. Society would be better off without them.

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