Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13: Charlotte Kessinger

I saw this post on twitter and it said that education doesn't even matter! If it is on the internet then it must be true, right? I think I agree too. Who needs to understand math equations, learn another language, or study history? It doesn't matter at all anymore in this century. My parents know how to do all of that and they can do it for me so it works out! Also if I ever needed to do something on my own, I'm sure I could find someone else to help me with it. Ill be fine without an education especially if everyone else I know doesn't have one either. There is also always twitter and google so if I ever needed to find anything out I could find it on wikipedia or twitter.  If education stopped existing we would have more time to focus on other things instead of the stupid things I'm learning about in school!!!

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