Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Caden Reynolds

You know what grinds my gears, women. Some people just need to understand that men are better in every way, except maybe cooking and cleaning. Gender equality is a joke because what good can come from giving women rights. We have a prime example of this with Hillary Clinton running for president. A woman? President? Those two words just don't mix. She would have absolutely ruined this country and probably made men be nice to women or something. Good thing my man Trump pulled through and is going to push this country in the right direction. I heard from someone smart that the devil is a woman. That makes absolute sense to me, everything bad about humans has to do with women. Have you ever seen a women CEO, I definitely have not. What gives women that right to think they could be in such a powerful position. In my personal opinion, only men should be allowed to go to college because it is a waste of time to try to teach a female, she's not going to remember any of it anyway.

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