Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chelsea Avery Assignment 12

Following this summer, it is ecstatic to finally be switched from auto to aperture priority mode, from auto to manual focus. Throughout my travels this summer, it has been everywhere. Stuffed in, surrounded by snacks, my camera bag was my only carry-on luggage on the plane, stowed safely under the seat each takeoff and landing. My camera has viewed many scenes. With the lens cap is removed, it has been pointed to and shot deserts, oceans, mountains and glaciers.
Now that I have returned from my travels, it rests with many other DSLRs in Mr. Junker's camera cabinet in room 102 at Henry Clay High school. Every day around 8:30am, the quest begins again. Together, we search for interesting and beautiful moments to capture in the dull school. Adjusting shutter speeds and ISO, we explore the range of photography. With various memory cards, the camera has various personalities. "Summer Vacation 2016" to "Junker Photo Class," switched with a swift ejection of the SD card. The photos are then transferred over to the computer, then the camera returns to the shelf. It watches proudly from the cabinet as we present our final projects to the whole class for critiques.

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