Monday, December 5, 2016

Anakin Reese Conn- Assignment 14

I could go without the holiday of Thanksgiving, as it lacks a theme, and is irrelevant outside of the US.  By lack of a theme, I mean that there aren't any songs, or buildup towards the holiday, and it is forgotten as a holiday within the weekend afterwards.  Celebrating Thanksgiving outside the US is just as pointless as the US celebrating the independence of Turkey, so I probably wouldn't know about if I hadn't been born in the US.  Whenever I'm celebrating the holiday, I don't exactly celebrate it.  I usually sleep through the event by locking myself in a closet until most relatives leave, then I emerge at night and eat all of the leftovers.  To prepare for this, I don't eat from Tuesday morning until Friday after midnight, when everyone is asleep.  I do enjoy the sequence where everyone forgets I exist as I sleep in the dark, alone, in a dormant state, where afterwards, I forget that I haven't been doing anything, just remaining contorted in a corner of the closet, not doing anything.  Every time I woke up, I would drink water until I fell back to sleep, a process that yielded success, if success meant annihilating your experience of consciousness over 3 days.  Not moving for so long, just waiting, stopped hurting a long time ago, so I pressed my body against the floor, allowing me to sense the shaking caused by people's footsteps and judge the time of day.  Some of the dreams I had were decent, nothing special.  All of the dreams involved some sort of crawling through different environments, such as a suburban area with street lights that made the street dark, and there was only a black sky, while white, cylindrical flocks of lines jutted out of the ground.  These dreams were nothing compared to what I've experienced before.  I remember the dreams that spelled out long, detailed words, or being stuck on a submerging island, surrounded by long arms reaching out of a sea of broken glass, while vast, disembodied teeth descend from above.  Those dreams where you get stuck in a weird location, such as a "desert" where the ground resembles dried mud that collapses beneath your feet, forcing you to wade through the plain.  In that specific dream, I remember asymmetrical insects that couldn't be destroyed, and "insects" that resembled string.  I fondly remember the dream where the trees were hard to describe in words, or even draw, but I still remember what they look like.  Anyways, Thanksgiving is just another holiday, just another day.  Soon.

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