Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 12 - Christian Lauritzen

I tend to drink a lot of canned drinks.  Soda, lemonade, foreign juices, etc.  As such cans tend to collect on my desk sometimes.  Here is an imagined day in their lives:

Just as I walked out of the office for the morning trip to school, orange soda immediately opened his eyes.  "Hey guys, he's gone!  Not only that, but his dad didn't get rid of us!" whispered Orange Soda.  "What are you on about," mumbled mango juice as he slowly woke up.  "I just want to sleep," grumbled Root Beer."  As they all slowly came to wakefulness, Lemonade eventually decided announce to the crowd: "Its time guys, we can go see all of our friends back where they came from!"  As they all loosely gave their agreement, they began to get down.  They jumped from my computer, to the ground and began to make their way across the floor.  The door was ajar as I always leave it, so they just snuck through.  However, almost immediately, they heard a loud, beastly sound.  A monster no can has ever survived to tell the tale from.  They tell myths about it sometimes lurking in the office, their home.  All of the cans begin running.  They make their way up onto the coffee table, where the beast would never dare to climb.  They could hear it closer now, its loud, putrid sniffing and drooling.  They had to take their chance now if they wanted to make it to the laundry room, and through it freedom.  Sprite screamed as the beast finally poked its way around the door.  It was black and brown with sharp teeth and claws, with ears that moved around chaotically.  They knew now was there time, so they made a break for it.  Just as they were about to reach the laundry room though, the monstrosity snatched up Root Beer, and tore him apart before he even had the chance to scream.  While the beast was distracted, they closed the door and knew they were homefree.  "Thank goodness!" gasped Lemonade, "I didn't think we would make it," as they all nodded in agreement.  They made their way to the fridge, and were able to pry it open, immediately garnering the cries of their brethren yet to be consumed.  But just as they got up to the middle shelf, they heard the door open, and immediately they all went stiff.  "Huh, I must have left the fridge open, oh well," I said as I closed the door.  Just another day for these sodas.

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