Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chelsea Avery Assignment 11

This past Halloween, a few of my friends and myself decided to go see a scary movie at the theater: Ouija. I could not help but to giggle as the actors began to climb up the walls and spew demons from their mouths. It is safe to say, these horror movies do not scare me, they are comedy.
So what does scare me? Knowing that as a woman, I am advised not to walk back to my car alone. At a party, I am not supposed to leave my drink alone for too long. What scares me is knowing that some of my friends have been locked in the cars of older guys at football games. What scares me is the fact that when it is hot outside and I choose to wear shorts, the administration can send me home for my clothing choice. What scares me is the fact that because of gender stereotypes, my hard work may not pay off in the future when I am pursuing a career. 
Why is this all so scary? Because for half of the population, it is a reality.

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