Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 15- James Gooding

-Give your favorite childhood memory and explain why you think it has stuck in your head all these years
            My favorite memory from my childhood definitely has to be my first concert, which was Rush when I was ten years old. Rush was (and still is) my favorite band, so entire family pooled together money so I could get a seat in row 10, which was about 30 feet from the band. This meant the world to me at the time because I was witnessing my heroes do what they do, and it was the first time I saw music have such a big impact on people. There were at least 10,000 people in the stadium who I could tell were completely moved by the band. To me, it was one of those moments where I knew my place in life, and I completely knew who I wanted to be. The last time that happened to me was in April when I saw a band called Galactic.  

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