Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 10 - Christian Lauritzen

Seeing as how not only my location but the people around me have changed quite a bit, I'll address the person I've probably been around longest/talked to most of the people who have sat next to me.  Angelica is pretty reserved in class, but she's definitely studious.  In all the projects we've been involved in, she always does her part and does it well.  She is in Marching Band, and seems pretty committed to it from her profile pictures and Marching Band attire she wears.  I see her as kind of a baby blue, because she's kind of reserved but also friendly.  She is kind of like a horse, generally relaxed, but always willing to do work.  In 5 years, I see her graduating for a solid school in some sort of math or science degree (I don't actually know if she is into that, just a guess), and going on to have a decently successful job.

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