Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Ben Lambert

Did you know that 100% of people that smoke cigarettes die in their lifetime? Yeah. Yet stupid people today still do it. And why? Because it looks cool. Because they want to be the coolest kid in their friend group.
People in the states spend, like, a lot of their money on cigarettes (more like grossarettes). For what reason? Why would you go spend 8 dollars on a pack of Barfboros when you can go to the candy shop and get them for like a dollar? But since they're off-brand, no one does. People are so dumb.
Think about it: everyone in today's world has or will ingest cigarette second-hand smoke. Everyone in today's world will die. The correlation is indisputable.
And guess what, they don't even taste good..? I've eaten multiple know (they say that way prevents lung cancer) and it's barely even better than school food. Overrated.

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