Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Caroline Couch

The worst thing is when those commercials of animal shelter and all of the little animals and their big eyes come on TV. They easily ruin your entire day, controlling your thoughts, invading your brain with sad pictures all day, keeping you awake at night with the thoughts of those animals. We must rid ourselves of these heart wrenching commercials and replace these animal shelters and send the animals to an island and have them exercise Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest." Ridding these animals would pride us with ease of mind, these animals would be practicing their ansectors way of life and they would be released back into the wild.This would get rid of the problem we have now of the abundance of animals in the shelter and  having to pride enough room and funds. This would get rid of the commercials that fill you with anger and would put people's mind at ease so we could focus on bigger issues like our "President."

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