Sunday, March 26, 2017

Philip Allison assignment 22

If I could be any functional character in the history of creation, I think I would have to go with the Jabba the Hutt's little pet who sits on a little perch and laughs all the time. His life just seems perfect. He clearly doesn't have to do much at all, and he definitely has the most fun possible to have. Even though Jabba is a little cruel sometimes, I bet that if your on his good side he could be a really nice guy. Seriously, I bet he has many awesome stories about causing havoc across the galaxy; really interesting and entertaining stuff. But no one wants to be jabba because he has too much pressure on him, not to mention the morbid obesity. Poor guy needs to get a tinder or something. They must have an intergalactic tinder a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, right? But the little guy has too much fun, it would be hard to pass up such an opportunity. Free housing, free food, what else can a man want? Live life one day at a time fellas,

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