Sunday, March 5, 2017

Assignment 20: Shelby Amato

How to win an argument.

Step one: Be correct. This is important. If you're wrong, you will have difficulty winning, though of course it's not impossible (see: every politician ever). Do your research and edit your opinion accordingly; since there is no real "right or wrong", being correct has more to do with having an informed opinion- if you do not possess one, do not bother.

Step two: Be brave. If you do not appear to hold confidence in your argument, your opponents will tear it apart. Even if you're not totally courageous, acting like you are puts a lot more weight into what you're saying. Also, intimidating people can go a long way into defeating them.

Step 3: Be calm. Confident does not mean aggressive or violent. If you remain calm and collected you have more chance of thinking straight and remaining convincing. Again, this can also intimidate your opponents.

If you do those three things, you can win the argument. I can't speak to further detail because everyone has different argumentation style, but those are the three consistencies among all great debaters, politicians, and anyone just trying to persuade someone else.

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