Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22- Taylor Hodges

I don't read much, or watch fictional tv shows, but if I could be any fictional character, it would have to be Patrick Stat from Spongebob Squarepants. I relate to Patrick in many different ways. For one, people think he's not smart, which is just like me. I get told multiple times a day about how I'm not smart enough to do something or how I shouldn't be in a certain class because I won't understand it. Patrick also live under a rock, literally. Most of the time, when someone talks about what's going on in the world, I have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not the most informed person, but oh well. Patrick is also confused many times when things are happening. And this is where I relate 100%. While walking through the halls of hell (Henry Clay High School), I've walked past many fights and never realized what was happening. Mostly because I keep my headphones in and the volume all the way up because I hate people. This is why I relate to the fictional character, Patrick Star.

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