Sunday, March 19, 2017

henry macfarlan assignment 20

how to shoot a soccer ball.  First set the ball about a step away from you, plant your non dominant foot just behind the ball and to  the side.  if you are right footed this will be your left, and vise versa.  then keep this leg straight, swing through with your tow pointed to the ground and ankle locked, swing through the ball.  like an swing, golf, baseball, etc swinging through and follow through after striking the ball is the most important.  If your stop swing after the first contact with the ball. So swing  your leg and foot all the way through the ball and land on the foot you struck the ball with.  You will want to strike the ball with your dominant foot.  Then after the swinging through land on this foot, it will be your dominant foot, this will feel awkward at first, as it is a slightly unnatural position, and will require practice and repetition.  Like anything that may feel awkward but is correct, with repetition and practice it will become natural and eventually will no longer feel strange but rather become a habit.

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