Saturday, March 4, 2017

Anakin Reese Conn Assignment 17

There is this loud bird outside my window, and no, closing it doesn't help.  It reminded me of the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock, a movie where birds somehow cause a gas station to explode, and eat stuff because they're evil.  However, I couldn't think of a second Alfred Hitchcock movie, and I seriously don't want to make a Rotten Tomatoes account (my email is already linked to too many other things), so I will write a movie review through this blog post.  The movie I will review is simply named Rubber, and I will link the trailer here.  The movie is about a tire that inexplicably obtained sentience one day, and went on a rampage in a small town, killing people by exploding their heads with telekinesis, or what I call "mind-bullets".  No doubt that this movie has a similar concept to that of Hitchcock's The Birds, as both have something non-lethal become driven (pun?) to attack humans.  In this case, it is not only a tire, but a tire in a French Independent Film, meaning that it will be weird and unique in its own way, but not unique in the way that Ghost Shark, Sharkalanche, and Shark Exorcist are unique.  I couldn't sit through the entire movie, but of the 30 minutes I witnessed, the plot was better than Tremors, a movie that should be forgotten in the list of movies on Netflix, and the acting was bearable, but if you don't like a character, that character will die stupidly, just like everyone else does by the end of the movie.  The ending was akin to a Steven King story ending, in which the tire is thought to be killed, but instead makes every other tire in the area sentient, leaving the movie with a hoard of psychic tires rolling towards the next city to explode more heads.  The movie also has a part where the characters try to kill the audience in an attempt to end the movie, along with their suffering.  10/10 for movies of this genre, I need to buy a poster for this movie.

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