Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22 Rebekah George

I would like to formally acknowledge two things at the beginning of this blog. One: I have been preparing to answer this exact question for like four years. Two: strap in your seatbelt because this is about to be another, ridiculous, dreams-of-world-domination fueled ride. The excitement that I feel in preparing to respond to this very question rendered me speechless (save weird squeals and hyperventilating for a good twenty minutes). I couldn’t words for a while there, but at last, I have found them. Let us begin.

 So, as stated in a previous blog, I started watching Doctor Who over the summer leading up to my eighth-grade year. And that was one of the single greatest decisions that I have ever made. It has been a strange experience, but also one of the greatest things ever. All that is to say that you’d expect the one character for me to want to magically become to be the Doctor, but no friend, that is where you’re wrong. If I could be any character in all of fiction and the world and just ever, it would be, without a doubt or anything even remotely similar to second thoughts, the Master. One thousand percent, absolutely, that is what I want. And here’s why:

I’m guessing that you understand the whole “obsession with world domination” thing by now as per the last several blogs. And the Master is the master of world domination plans (haha, I did a funny). Sure, his plans are foiled by the Doctor or some creature he was working with turned on him because they wanted to rule the planet solo and he had to team up with the Doctor to stop them, but also, the journey is all that matters. And he’s been relatively successful several times. Unfortunately, I have not seen every episode of Doctor Who ever (but fear not, dear reader, I’m working on it); however, from what I have seen, the Master has been technically successful at the domination of planet earth three times. First, was in the The Sound of Drums and (as season finales are best in two parts) Last of the Time Lords. He took over the planet by becoming Prime Minister, murdering the President of the United States, and using the Toclafane (death spheres that were actually the last actual humans to exist…Doctor Who doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry) to rule planet earth with an iron fist (bonus plans to conquer the universe, A+) for an entire year. The timing on that is oddly specific, but that’s what happened. The next time was at the end of the very next season with another brilliantly written two-part extravaganza. These two episodes (The End of Time part 1 and, of course, The End of Time part 2) feature the Master literally making himself every person on planet earth, excluding Wilfred and Donna Noble, while trying to bring Gallifrey (Time Lord home planet) back from not existing (kind of…like I said before, Doctor Who never makes sense). The third time is like billion seasons after that (and by a billion, I mean like four) at the end of season 8 in which the Master (now Missy, Time Lords…confusing, just go with it) literally raises the dead in the form of Cybermen (like robotic Nazis) to allow the Doctor to take over the universe as a birthday “present”. He didn’t, cause he’s good and precious and *cough* anyway, she easily could have used that army of the dead to take over the world—and then the galaxy herself—thus, it counts. I’m sure pre-Ninth Doctor Master tried to take over things, but like I said, I haven’t seen those episodes yet (it’s, quite literally, more than 50 years of episodes) so I cannot account for those now.

Sure, the world domination thing is cool, but also I have more reasons that will probably cause no less concern for my mental state. The first would have to be his relationship with the Doctor. They’re “best enemies” (*cough* ship name *cough*) but boi, no. Those two are in love and always have been and NO ONE will ever convince me otherwise. Love, love, love. That’s what I want for the two of them, and being a part of that would be even better. It’s really a win-win. Also, Gallifrey sounds kind of terrible, but also cool. I mean, the pair usually only have bad things to say about it because Time Lords (from what I gather) kind of suck, but hey, that’s a risk that I’m willing to take. Furthermore, I could explore all of time and space for basically eternity (cool little thing called regeneration). The Doctor and all of time and space, yes please. The TARDIS is awesome, I definitely want one. There are simply so many things apart of that world that I want to partake in. That, however, begs the question: why the villain? First, I say, he’s not a villain per se, he’s just misunderstood and kind of insane, but I digress. Secondly, the Doctor is so good and always has to save everyone and the universe and I don’t have time for that. Third, being evil is more fun. The Master is just closer to my personality type, that is we are the same personality type as per Myer Briggs. Enough said. (Actually, John Simm—the actor who played the Master when David Tennant was the Doctor, i.e. the first two “Master kind of successfully takes over the world” explanations above—described the Master as a “baddie Doctor” and if that isn’t precious, I don’t know what is and I love him and I can’t with this blog anymore.)

Quite frankly, I could write a series of books on all the reasons that I’d love to be the Master. I mean, his name, that’s super cool. Very domineering, as he himself is (but John Simm is actually super shy and aww), and I am absolutely all about being in charge of stuff. Furthermore, before he chose the name the Master, he was called Koschei (plus his parents were hella rich, and I’m all about that). It’s a Russian name, and also very cool. He must have an absurd amount of knowledge from living so long. There are so many mysteries in history, all of which I’d have the ability to sort out. There are millions of planets that humans don’t even know about, all of which I’d want to explore (and maybe conquer one or two). And, of course, my dear Doctor. Always, my Doctor. 

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