Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22: Caden Reynolds

If I were to be a fictional character, I would choose to be Jack Sparrow, the main protagonist in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He has a pretty sweet life, traveling across the seven seas encountering many different people/creatures. He uses his street smarts and witty negotiating skills to get out of many sticky situations. His comedic way of going about his ways makes his life seem more fun. He makes the pirate life seem like the way to go. I feel like making my way across the sea on a boat fighting other creatures would just be one big vacation. I would like to learn the art of manipulation, like Sparrow does it. It'd be pretty cool to get things the way you want it, because things always work out for him in the end. Although he may not live the high life, it's an interesting life nonetheless.

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