Sunday, March 19, 2017

Henry Macfarlan- Assignment 22

If I could be any fictional character from any work i have seen I would be Luke Skywalker  from star wars.  I would be him because he has superpowers and a spaceship.  In the universe he lives in there is a multitude of advanced technology that you would be able to take advantage of.  You could fly around in a spaceship or have a new bionic arm.  Not only is the world he lives in cool, he also has superpowers.  He uses the force to essentially give him super powers which he uses to go on adventures.  He can do anything he wants as he hold large influence and, their is no opposition to stop him.  He defeats his only competition and ends his conflict at the end of star wars return of the jedi, thus there is no one around to limit him or restrict him from doing anything, he is the most power full person in the universe, who leads a large group of people who would blindly follow him, he has superpowers, and has a lightsaber which he can use to cut through anything.  So he essentially is living the life, with no one to tell him otherwise.

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