Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 21: Connor Haney

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...
... A baby is born, leaving the parents in awe.
... Someone died, giving people remorse.
... Someone checked their phone for those sports updates.
... Someone cried over something pointless.
... Someone laughed from a joke that most people would normally cringe at.
... Someone is playing the sport they love.
... Someone is learning something new.
... Someone spent money on something completely useless.
... Someone is saving their money to purchase a good investment.
... Someone is sleeping through the night.
... Someone is in the process of waking up.
... Someone is in the shower getting ready for the day.
... Someone is getting ready for school.
... Someone is getting ready for work.
... Someone is riding a bike on the sidewalk.
... Someone is enjoying their view from a mountain top.
... Someone is studying for their next big test.
... Someone is doing their homework the class before it is due.
... Someone is procrastinating on their homework by watching Netflix, etc.
... Someone is writing a blog post.

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