Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22- Ben Lambert

If I could be any fictional character, I'd probably have to choose Barry from the Flash. Barry is The Flash himself. Being able to run at super sonic speeds would be pretty cool, I guess. If i were Barry, I could hold every record dealing with running (marathons, 100 meter races, hurdles) ever. Although, I would have to hold back from running too fast so that I am not disqualified for having superpowers. I could also stop a lot of crime in the world. In the show, Barry saves the city countless times from criminals, whether it be small-scale offenses like shoplifting or it be stopping a mega-mind from destroying the world. Barry is also a very smart guy. I'm pretty sure that before he got his powers-which he received after being struck by lightning from a power plant- that he was a physicist. And to add the cherry on top, he's a pretty attractive dude.

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