Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 21- Chelsea Avery

In this very moment, an academy student gets a cramp in their hand. They scribble the main idea of the New Deal on the back of a color-coded note card and watch the minute had take another lap around the face of the clock. They begin to feel their head ache due to the sleep deprivation and realization that they have not even started chapter questions yet. They reach for their phone and begin to ask everyone they know for help. "Do you have chapter 21 done?" They ask that one person who sits behind them in class even though they never really talk. At this time, there is not much left to do. Do they fake sick? Do they pull an all-nighter? Either way, it will get done. The academy student will chuckle as they recall the times they have done the same thing in previous years. AP Government was just the beginning, AP World was no surprise. In this moment, an academy student realizes the true power of procrastination.

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