Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 20- Angelica Malkowski

How to survive junior year on no sleep

1. Complete your education up to junior year.
2. Spend the summer before your junior year bracing for the hell that is to come, enjoying your vacation, and trying not to procrastinate too much on your summer homework.
3. Attempt to start junior year off on the right foot. Tell yourself you will not procrastinate things, especially unit assignments.
4. Begin to slowly get bogged down by the copious amount of homework brought on by 5 AP classes and involvement in extra curriculars.
5. Come to the realization that you have to prioritize the things in your life, and sometimes that includes sleep.
6. Realize that this prioritizing can not always include sleep. Even though you wish it could.
7. Understand that there will be days you stay up late finishing lots of homework, knowing that you then must get up early to drag yourself to school the next day, and possible even drive to school on this small amount of sleep, praying you can drive safely.
8. Be aware of the fact that getting no sleep during the week and "catching up" on missed sleep by sleeping for 12 hours Friday nights is not healthy.
9. Understand that sometimes there is no getting around the above mentioned situation happening.
10. Know that you will slowly get better at time management and not procrastinating as the year goes on.
11. But not as much as you should.
12. If you can only work on one thing, make it unit assignment, because it is extremely unlikely you will be able to turn it in late, making your only option missing school. And missing school can make your workload ten times larger with make up work. So either procrastinate less or forfeit sleep.
13. Take naps whenever you can.
14. Bring gum or mints to school in order to help you stay awake during tests or even class.
15. Getting no sleep is often a stress inducing experience. Remember to occasionally go out with friends (whenever you can find or create the time). This can help alleviate some of your stress.
16. Breathe and remember that junior year will be over before you know it.
17. Continue breathing when you realize you will then be a senior and making college decisions etc soon.
18. Enjoy things while you can, because they won't last forever.

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