Monday, March 27, 2017

Assignment 23 Rebekah George

If I’m being honest, I already had a World Domination playlist, but I’m sure there’s judgement for that. So, I made another one.

POWER – Kanye West

We begin with the lovely affirmation that you’re powerful. You can take over stuff, believe in yourself. Kanye West has a history of being annoyingly narcissistic, and that’s not the goal per se, but if you’re planning on taking over an entire planet, you better be confident. The beginning of the song features a nice build-up of seemingly opposing sounds, which is why we start here. This may the beginning of the journey, but it’s a brilliant one. You’re just getting started, but it’s going to be totally awesome. Yes, one man or woman (yeah to the ladies) should have all that power, and it should be you.

We Are the Champions – Queen

Next, just lay back and savor what it feels like to be a winner. Look at you, all stab-y and win-y and conquer-y. A+ to you, my friend. Know that you’re the champion of the world. Embrace it. Blare it, sing in your underwear. This is your world and everyone else is just living in it. You are a champion, my friend (a champion that better not forget World Dom Inc.’s requests).

Never Bitch – Mariahlynn   

This song is for all the times when peasants will all be like “we need x, y, or z ‘necessity’.” I mean, you can be benevolent if you’d like, but also this song is just nice to listen to when people you don’t like try to act like they’re better than you. Just jam to it, and rub the fact that you are, quite literally, on top of the world (if you followed the Transportation advice) in their faces. The reason I even like this song is a really long story, but it mostly has to do with these awesome dancers that I am super jealous of because I have no rhythm whatsoever. I actually have no idea how I even came across this video, but I was intrigued.  ß Awesome dancers

All I Do Is Win – DJ Khaled

I’m sure you can figure out why this one is on the list.

On a weird side-note, after having seen Ludacris in The Fast and Furious franchise, I can’t see him as being a rapper. He’s just so awkward and non-threatening, how did this man get a rapping career? He’s like the computer tech extraordinaire in The Fast and the Furious and I simply don’t see him as being a rapper now. Anyway, he’s in this song, so yeah.

Centuries – Fall Out Boy

I love FOB, so that’s part of the reason I chose this song. On another, more related note, even if your plans are foiled in the long run, everyone will remember you for centuries…unless you’re the Master and that first time he took over planet earth. That’s…also a long story. Doctor Who, why don’t you make sense to normal people? Anyway, this song ensures that you’re feeling that your reign is eternal (even if it’s not). It makes you feel good about your legacy, which is always a good thing.

Phenomenal – Eminem  

This song comes from one of the trillion movies about boxers: Southpaw. I especially like this song because I felt all powerful and ready to go take on the world the first time that I heard it during the movie. It is that same power that I offer to you, young, world-dominating grasshopper. Go punch stuff and win.

Don’t Rain on My Parade – Originally, Barbra Streisand, but I like the Glee version better   

 No offense, Ms. Streisand, but I do find the Glee version of your song to be more pleasing. Anyway, whichever you prefer is A-Okay with me. You’re the ruler of the planet now, so listen to what you please. This song is simply to remind you that there will be haters (mostly because of the whole subjugating them to your will thing) but that you are no less rad because of them. Don’t let them rain on your parade. You rule that world, my dude.

You’ll Be Back –Johnathan Groff

Okay, I have tiny, relatively unhealthy obsession with Hamilton, so there’s this song. But, you know, you’ve got to realize that there will be times when your supreme authority is questioned. You must crush those. Like little bugs. Sometimes, somewhere, there may be the opportunity for mercy. But don’t make that a habit. Most of your love from the people will, in fact, be reinforced by full armed battalions.    

Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen

Queen is honorarily my favorite band of all time, thus they enjoy the pleasure of gracing my World Domination playlist twice. This song will clear away the lulls when nothing exciting is happening in your new dominion. It helps you to remember the person you were when you took over the planet and to remind you that you’re still them. Go forth and conquer.

Dancing Queen – ABBA

This song seems out of place, but you rock it, okay? Be the freaking dancing queen, young and (relatively) sweet. You are the greatest, cutest, destroyer of worlds there ever was, and DON’T YOU FORGET IT. I just want you to be happy in all your world domination pursuits and this song makes me happy. Rule the world, you rad little star. I believe in you. Your mom probably believes in you. Your pet believes in you, and that’s really all that matters, isn’t it?


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignemtn 22- Angelica Malkowski

I love to both read and watch television (and movies). I am known to use these interests to procrastinate doing homework. I become far too emotionally invested in these fictional worlds then is likely healthy. Because of these reasons, it is hard to pick one character that I would choose to become. For the sake of this blog, I have decided I would be Hermione Granger. Hermione is a book nerd, like myself. Hermione fits many of the qualities of a Ravenclaw, the house I myself would be sorted into. Hermione does, however, possess the courage that marks Gryffindors, a trait I wish to demonstrate more of. Hermione also devotes much of her time to her studies, and likely never procrastinates. I personally struggle with not procrastinating, as indicated earlier, and would therefore love to not worry about such matters. Becoming Hermione Granger would allow me to both maintain many of my defining characteristics, while also improving on some that may be more lacking. And now that I am Hermione, let me just say that she is now going to learn to play a musical instrument.

Assignment 21- Angelica Malkowski

At this moment, somewhere in the universe, a girl types furiously on a laptop. She knows it is late. She knows this will be the third night in a row she hasn't gotten nearly enough sleep. She also knows she has made it through entire school weeks on insufficient sleep, has survived who knows how many days of waking up tired. She will survive this. She tells herself that she will pull through on all her tests tomorrow like she has countless days in the past. Tomorrow is no different. She reminds herself that tomorrow is a new day, one where she can go to bed early. She remembers the chocolate muffin waiting for her for breakfast tomorrow. She remembers that all that stands between her and spring break are five days of school. Then she will have a whole week to relax and draw her many responsibilities out over the course of seven days. She remembers that video Monday is tomorrow. She knows that Mr. Cain will inadvertently bring up the UK loss from earlier today. These two facts mean that the beginning of her day tomorrow will be delayed by a sizable amount of time. Then she remembers she has to make up two tests, one before school, and one during the aforementioned first hour that would otherwise be shortened by fun videos and trivial sports talk. The girl sighs and continues to type.

Assignment 22- Usha Adhikari

If I could be any character I would most likely want to be Meridith Grey, except, you can pass me with all that drama.That girl has more drama in one year than most do in a lifetime, that's a no from me. Besides that, she's got her life pretty much in order, I just want to work a medical job and love it as much s she seems to love her job. Maybe, in that case, I'd want to to be House? That man is so smart but then again Walter White is doing what he loves most and what he's best at while making lots of money, besides the whole illegal drug thing of course. Who knows, all characters have their ups and downs it seems. I watch too many shows and have too many favorite characters to just choose one, so I won't. (Need a couple more words, Idk I feel like my blogs used to be much more creative and now I'm slacking, oh Whale)  Yeet.  

Assignment 22 Rebekah George

I would like to formally acknowledge two things at the beginning of this blog. One: I have been preparing to answer this exact question for like four years. Two: strap in your seatbelt because this is about to be another, ridiculous, dreams-of-world-domination fueled ride. The excitement that I feel in preparing to respond to this very question rendered me speechless (save weird squeals and hyperventilating for a good twenty minutes). I couldn’t words for a while there, but at last, I have found them. Let us begin.

 So, as stated in a previous blog, I started watching Doctor Who over the summer leading up to my eighth-grade year. And that was one of the single greatest decisions that I have ever made. It has been a strange experience, but also one of the greatest things ever. All that is to say that you’d expect the one character for me to want to magically become to be the Doctor, but no friend, that is where you’re wrong. If I could be any character in all of fiction and the world and just ever, it would be, without a doubt or anything even remotely similar to second thoughts, the Master. One thousand percent, absolutely, that is what I want. And here’s why:

I’m guessing that you understand the whole “obsession with world domination” thing by now as per the last several blogs. And the Master is the master of world domination plans (haha, I did a funny). Sure, his plans are foiled by the Doctor or some creature he was working with turned on him because they wanted to rule the planet solo and he had to team up with the Doctor to stop them, but also, the journey is all that matters. And he’s been relatively successful several times. Unfortunately, I have not seen every episode of Doctor Who ever (but fear not, dear reader, I’m working on it); however, from what I have seen, the Master has been technically successful at the domination of planet earth three times. First, was in the The Sound of Drums and (as season finales are best in two parts) Last of the Time Lords. He took over the planet by becoming Prime Minister, murdering the President of the United States, and using the Toclafane (death spheres that were actually the last actual humans to exist…Doctor Who doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry) to rule planet earth with an iron fist (bonus plans to conquer the universe, A+) for an entire year. The timing on that is oddly specific, but that’s what happened. The next time was at the end of the very next season with another brilliantly written two-part extravaganza. These two episodes (The End of Time part 1 and, of course, The End of Time part 2) feature the Master literally making himself every person on planet earth, excluding Wilfred and Donna Noble, while trying to bring Gallifrey (Time Lord home planet) back from not existing (kind of…like I said before, Doctor Who never makes sense). The third time is like billion seasons after that (and by a billion, I mean like four) at the end of season 8 in which the Master (now Missy, Time Lords…confusing, just go with it) literally raises the dead in the form of Cybermen (like robotic Nazis) to allow the Doctor to take over the universe as a birthday “present”. He didn’t, cause he’s good and precious and *cough* anyway, she easily could have used that army of the dead to take over the world—and then the galaxy herself—thus, it counts. I’m sure pre-Ninth Doctor Master tried to take over things, but like I said, I haven’t seen those episodes yet (it’s, quite literally, more than 50 years of episodes) so I cannot account for those now.

Sure, the world domination thing is cool, but also I have more reasons that will probably cause no less concern for my mental state. The first would have to be his relationship with the Doctor. They’re “best enemies” (*cough* ship name *cough*) but boi, no. Those two are in love and always have been and NO ONE will ever convince me otherwise. Love, love, love. That’s what I want for the two of them, and being a part of that would be even better. It’s really a win-win. Also, Gallifrey sounds kind of terrible, but also cool. I mean, the pair usually only have bad things to say about it because Time Lords (from what I gather) kind of suck, but hey, that’s a risk that I’m willing to take. Furthermore, I could explore all of time and space for basically eternity (cool little thing called regeneration). The Doctor and all of time and space, yes please. The TARDIS is awesome, I definitely want one. There are simply so many things apart of that world that I want to partake in. That, however, begs the question: why the villain? First, I say, he’s not a villain per se, he’s just misunderstood and kind of insane, but I digress. Secondly, the Doctor is so good and always has to save everyone and the universe and I don’t have time for that. Third, being evil is more fun. The Master is just closer to my personality type, that is we are the same personality type as per Myer Briggs. Enough said. (Actually, John Simm—the actor who played the Master when David Tennant was the Doctor, i.e. the first two “Master kind of successfully takes over the world” explanations above—described the Master as a “baddie Doctor” and if that isn’t precious, I don’t know what is and I love him and I can’t with this blog anymore.)

Quite frankly, I could write a series of books on all the reasons that I’d love to be the Master. I mean, his name, that’s super cool. Very domineering, as he himself is (but John Simm is actually super shy and aww), and I am absolutely all about being in charge of stuff. Furthermore, before he chose the name the Master, he was called Koschei (plus his parents were hella rich, and I’m all about that). It’s a Russian name, and also very cool. He must have an absurd amount of knowledge from living so long. There are so many mysteries in history, all of which I’d have the ability to sort out. There are millions of planets that humans don’t even know about, all of which I’d want to explore (and maybe conquer one or two). And, of course, my dear Doctor. Always, my Doctor. 

Assignment 22 - Christian Lauritzen

     If I could be any fictional character, I would probably be a Greek God.  I probably wouldn't want to be one of the major ones because they have to deal with so much crap from Zeus, so I'd probably be someone like Morpheus, God of Dreams and Sleep.  That'd be pretty great because instead of being the one not getting sleep, I could be the one making other people not get sleep while I sleep all I want because I'm immortal.  Not only that, but I could mess with people's dreams whenever I got bored, and when all else fails, get some mortal to go on some quest for my entertainment.  Granted I'd probably just end up using my power to sleep more.  On top of my powers and my immortality, I also have some pretty cool living arrangements going on with a cave filled with poppy seeds so I could just sleep constantly and be relaxed.  Not to mention having wings would be pretty cool.

Assignment 20- Angelica Malkowski

How to survive junior year on no sleep

1. Complete your education up to junior year.
2. Spend the summer before your junior year bracing for the hell that is to come, enjoying your vacation, and trying not to procrastinate too much on your summer homework.
3. Attempt to start junior year off on the right foot. Tell yourself you will not procrastinate things, especially unit assignments.
4. Begin to slowly get bogged down by the copious amount of homework brought on by 5 AP classes and involvement in extra curriculars.
5. Come to the realization that you have to prioritize the things in your life, and sometimes that includes sleep.
6. Realize that this prioritizing can not always include sleep. Even though you wish it could.
7. Understand that there will be days you stay up late finishing lots of homework, knowing that you then must get up early to drag yourself to school the next day, and possible even drive to school on this small amount of sleep, praying you can drive safely.
8. Be aware of the fact that getting no sleep during the week and "catching up" on missed sleep by sleeping for 12 hours Friday nights is not healthy.
9. Understand that sometimes there is no getting around the above mentioned situation happening.
10. Know that you will slowly get better at time management and not procrastinating as the year goes on.
11. But not as much as you should.
12. If you can only work on one thing, make it unit assignment, because it is extremely unlikely you will be able to turn it in late, making your only option missing school. And missing school can make your workload ten times larger with make up work. So either procrastinate less or forfeit sleep.
13. Take naps whenever you can.
14. Bring gum or mints to school in order to help you stay awake during tests or even class.
15. Getting no sleep is often a stress inducing experience. Remember to occasionally go out with friends (whenever you can find or create the time). This can help alleviate some of your stress.
16. Breathe and remember that junior year will be over before you know it.
17. Continue breathing when you realize you will then be a senior and making college decisions etc soon.
18. Enjoy things while you can, because they won't last forever.

Assignment 22: Caden Reynolds

If I were to be a fictional character, I would choose to be Jack Sparrow, the main protagonist in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He has a pretty sweet life, traveling across the seven seas encountering many different people/creatures. He uses his street smarts and witty negotiating skills to get out of many sticky situations. His comedic way of going about his ways makes his life seem more fun. He makes the pirate life seem like the way to go. I feel like making my way across the sea on a boat fighting other creatures would just be one big vacation. I would like to learn the art of manipulation, like Sparrow does it. It'd be pretty cool to get things the way you want it, because things always work out for him in the end. Although he may not live the high life, it's an interesting life nonetheless.

Assignment 21 - Christian Lauritzen

      At this very moment, somewhere in the Universe, someone is about to give up on something.  Whether it be as simple as that puzzle that just seems to have one incorrect piece in it, or that essay that you really just don't understand, or your marriage which seems to just not be working, or even that blog post which you waited till the last minute to write (if you are looking at mine for reference, try not to give up, but you're like half an hour from the deadline so good luck).  It can be as minute as a level of a video game or as massive as a lifelong career which recently took a turn for the worst.  I can't accurately speak for every situation, but odds are giving up is the wrong choice.  Granted there are some situations where you have to cut your losses and get away while you can, but most of the time, pushing through and completing something can be massively rewarding and gratifying.  It can change your life, and fix a potentially catastrophic problem, leaving you stronger for it.  So if you are about to give up on something, try not to.  If you can complete it, try to do so.  It may not be glamorous, but you will likely be better for it.

Assignment 22- Taylor Hodges

I don't read much, or watch fictional tv shows, but if I could be any fictional character, it would have to be Patrick Stat from Spongebob Squarepants. I relate to Patrick in many different ways. For one, people think he's not smart, which is just like me. I get told multiple times a day about how I'm not smart enough to do something or how I shouldn't be in a certain class because I won't understand it. Patrick also live under a rock, literally. Most of the time, when someone talks about what's going on in the world, I have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not the most informed person, but oh well. Patrick is also confused many times when things are happening. And this is where I relate 100%. While walking through the halls of hell (Henry Clay High School), I've walked past many fights and never realized what was happening. Mostly because I keep my headphones in and the volume all the way up because I hate people. This is why I relate to the fictional character, Patrick Star.

Assignment 20 - Christian Lauritzen

How-To: Make a Computer

Many believe making a computer out of separately purchased parts is something only a Computer Hardware major or overly obsessed nerd is capable of.  However, little do these many know, it is actually relatively simple so long as you do the correct research beforehand.  It may look long, but if you follow every step, you should have a working computer in no time.  With that in mind, I present this short guide to having your own homemade computer (PLEASE KEEP IN MIND BUILDING A COMPUTER IS A TRIAL AND ERROR PROCESS, YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES, YOU MAY THINK SOMETHING IS BROKEN, BUT IF SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK JUST STAY CALM AND RETRACE YOUR STEPS OR GET SOMEONE TO HELP YOU, ODDS ARE YOU JUST DID SOMETHING SMALL INCORRECTLY).

1. Don't try to make a Mac or a Laptop - Steve Jobs had a vision of entirely proprietary parts and extremely untinkering-friendly design so as to make his computers compact and visually attractive on the inside.  While this is nice and all, you aren't capable of using this design scheme.  However, if you are so inclined, you can download Mac OS onto your brand new computer and it should work just fine.  The same goes for any laptop minus the inside being visually attractive.  The parts are too small and the engineering too complicated, so I strongly advise you not to attempt building one.

2. Research the parts you want - Desktop computers can range from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars in total, so it is important that you figure out what you want beforehand.  Lucky for you, you are building a computer, so you can already shave off a couple hundred dollars off of whatever your final price point would be.  It is important to keep in mind that there are many different connectors, drivers, cords, inputs, and whole slew of other things that are needed to be the same to try to ensure compatibility.  With that being said, there are many websites that automatically allow you to select the parts you want, making sure all of them are compatible, and shipping them all to you for you to assemble.  Personally I would recommend  Now here are the parts you will need:

    - Motherboard
    - Processor
    - Thermal paste
    - Processor cooling fan
    - Power Supply
    - Hard Drive
    - Case
    - More fans
    - RAM
    - Graphics Card (If you are doing graphically intensive work like video editing or games)
    - Optical Drive (If you still use discs and need a way to put them in your computer)
    - An Operating System of your choice (Windows, OSX, Linux, etc.)
    - Monitor (If you don't already have one)
    - Peripherals that you may not already own
    - Various cords and wires you may not already own (most of them will come with the stuff you order online)

3. Assemble your computer - (IMPORTANT NOTE, IT IS POSSIBLE TO BREAK PARTS, MAKE SURE THE ROOM YOU WORK IN HAS LOW STATIC ELECTRICITY OR MAKE SURE TO PERIODICALLY GROUND YOURSELF TO NOT FRY ANYTHING).  Now the hard part is done.  Once you have waited a couple of weeks and all of your parts have arrived, it is time to begin putting your machine together.  First, get out some tools (screwdriver, pliers, etc.) get out your motherboard.  Everything you just bought will plug right into it, making it relatively easy to assemble.  It makes it easier to assemble with everything outside of the case first, so leave the case alone for now and begin work on a grounded surface.  Begin by placing your processor in the processor port (the gold plated square in the middle).  Use the hinge to close it tightly, but make sure it is on correctly, as bending the pins will void your warranty and cost you a hefty sum of money.  Place a pea-sized drop of thermal paste on the top plate of the processor, place your processor cooling fan on top of it, push it down to spread the paste, screw it into the motherboard, plug the fan into the motherboard, and that part is done.  Next, plug your Graphics Card into the long port below the processor and lock it in place.  Plug in any cords that need to be.  Take your sticks of RAM and plug them into the provided slots, locking them in place as well.  Put your hard drive and optical drive to the side and plug in any necessary cords from them into the motherboard.  If you also purchased extra fans, lock those in your case and plug them into your motherboard.  The last thing you need to connect is your power supply.  Do so by making sure every part that needs power receives it from the power supply, including the motherboard itself.  Not all parts will, so this will depend on which you bought, make sure to research beforehand which of your parts will need power.  Once everything has been installed, open your case and put it on its side and carefully place everything you just assembled into it.  The Graphics Card and Motherboard should have slots in the back of the case to line up with.  There should also be slots to slide in your hard drive and optical drive in the front and your power supply in the back.  Once set, carefully screw in all necessary screws to make sure all of the parts are safely connected to the side of the case or the slot the part was put in, you don't want gravity breaking your machine.  Once everything is safely connected and in the case, close it up and put it in a cool, dry location.

4. (OPTIONAL STEP) Make the inside look good - The vast majority of computer builders will ignore the step, to the anger of a few, but in case that OCD impulse in the back of your head is driving you insane, you may choose to get some zip ties and other binding materials to organize all of the loose cables you just randomly connected to parts.  Not only does it make the machine look pretty, but it makes things easier for you if you need to crack it open again to fix or upgrade a part.  You may also optionally purchase and install some LCD lights into your computer to make it look like a mini rave in your computer.

5. Power it on, plug in your peripherals, and install your OS - For many this can be the most agitating step.  For this part, flip the power switch on the power supply and plug the provided cable into it then into the wall.  The computer shouldn't be on right now.  Plug in your mouse, keyboard, and monitor, and press the power button on the front.  If it didn't, turn off the power supply and unplug/replug different parts in the computer until it works again.  This is the most agitating part because computers rarely work the first time, but luckily it is probably your fault, not a malfunctioning parts fault.  Once it fires up for the first time (which may take a while), it should bring you to the BIOS settings.  Unless you are trying to overclock it or do something else which requires messing with your motherboard, you can ignore most of this.  Depending on your motherboard, you may not need to do this step, but find the setting where you need to tell the motherboard to accept an OS and plug the storage device it is on into your computer.  You may need to research how to do this with your motherboard, but it should download the OS and boot up normally into the OS.  This may not work properly as well so make sure your Hard Drive is properly attached and repeat until it works.  Once the OS activates properly, you should have a working computer.  Various small settings may be off, but they should be simple to change in the regular settings on your computer.

And with all that completed. congratulations, you now have a computer for hundreds of dollars cheaper than you could get it if you bought it pre-assembled.

NOTE - If something doesn't work and you just can't figure out why, don't be afraid to have someone else look at it.  Odds are you did something small incorrectly and it is just stopping anything from happening.  I recommend the Geek Squad at BestBuy.  If the issue is small, they won't charge you, and everyone I've worked with there has been able to fix my mistake pretty quickly.

Assignment 21- Taylor Hodges

At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a person is about to fall asleep trying to finish all of their homework. They waiting until the last day, forgetting the amount of work they had to do. Once they realize that one of the assignments is due at 11:59, they speed through it, meeting all the requirements that are needed to submit the assignment. Their hand begins to have a cramp because they've been holding their phone the same way for too long and their hands are getting tired. They look at the time and realize how long it's been since they started homework and they know they won't be able to finish all of it. Their eyes begin to shut slowly as they push through to finish all of if, but it's not enough. They start to stress over all that needs to be done, but soon after the stress is over, they get into their comfortable bed, grab many blankets to stay warm, and have the best sleep of their life.

Assignment 22: Sabrina Lozada

As a child I preferred to read more than actually watching movies, however, I would never turn down the opportunity to watch the movie Ever After. The movie featured amusing characters like Leonardo da Vinci who was portrayed as that weird, hilarious, and clever old man. Quite a character to say the least but the fictional character I would choose to be would be the main character, Danielle de Barbara.  
Danielle is not the traditional female character portrayed in most movies at that time. Danielle had an assertive and smart character seen throughout various instances. One instance would be when Danielle and Henry are ambushed by gypsies. Rather than hiding and waiting for Henry to fix things, she takes action and when she is told that she is free to leave with only what she can carry and the gypsies clearly expected her to only take jewelry or something else of that sort. After being promised that the gypsies will keep their word, she finds a loophole to save the prince-- she carries the prince on her back and marches off. Another case is when her stepmother sells her, instead of letting herself get wed she confronts Pierre, her "owner", cutting his face with a sword and threatens to dismember him if he does anything to her and is freed. Of course another bonus is that Leonardo da Vinci is a close friend of hers

Assignment 22 - Jackson Leach

One of the greatest Fictional means of entertainment ever to be created definitely is the Star Wars movie saga. Out of all the characters throughout the film series I have to go with Obi-Wan as Chewbacca as my choice character to be. Sure you could be a Jedi and wield the force or be emperor palpatine and have lightning hands but can either of those characters rip a storm troopers arms off? Didn't think so. And Chewbacca himself had the coolest lineup throughout the movies. He was Yoda's buddy in the third movie and then became Han's buddy in the rest of the movies and Finn and Rey's buddy in the seventh movie. That's like all of the greatest characters combined. Plus aside from being depressed after Han died he wouldn't have to deal with the lasting depression Darth Vader or Obi-Wan of Luke have to deal with. Also he lives for an insanely long time. Like when Han died he was 240 or something like that. And a bonus feature? Only a few people can understand him. He could cuss someone out and they'd have no clue what he was saying. And being best friends with Han Solo you can't go wrong.

Assignment 20- Taylor Hodges

Honestly, I didn't check if someone else made this "how to", but I'm sure I'll find out when I see my grade for this. 
This is going to be a guide to learning how to online shop:
First you need to figure out the item you want to buy. You then need to get on your phone, tablet, or computer and go on the internet to see the stores that carry this item. While you're going from store to store, you will need to see the sales going on from each store. We're high school students who are broke and we're ballin on a budget, so saving is the best way to pick the store. Once you find a store with the best deal, you will need to click on the item, pick your size, and add it to your cart. After you've done this, you will need to click "checkout" and then proceed to fill out the information that it asks for. It will ask you to place your order and then once you do that, you will get a confirmation email and it will be on its way. This is the best way to online shop. 

Assignment 21 - Jackson Leach

At this moment somewhere in the world, A Kentucky athletics fan is attempting to find a reason to get out of bed tomorrow. In this state of post depression loss he or she is most likely crying and downing an entire tub of ice cream while watching Titantic or listening to the Lumineers while staring intensely at a painting of the setting sun. This is the state of depression that grips the entire Big Blue Nation. I mean did you see Deaaron Fox Crying? What a guy right? Guess what. They're all like that. I bet the Kennedy Meeks can't even spell the phrase "Final Four" he does not deserve to be in it. Anger and depression link themselves into one. God freaking dammit man. John Higgins will feel my wrath we are 0-6 against him this si not some coincidence. Every year we are the best team and lose for some stupid reason. Can you imagine the barrage of cardiac stress Cal is going through? Just being head coach has definitely shortened his life by like ten years.

Assignment 21 Rebekah George

Right now, somewhere in the great, big universe, someone—as you may or may not have already guessed is—yes, planning world domination. But hey, this is the universe we’re talking about, so universal domination is also a possibility. We have no evidence that can effectively deny or validate the existence of extraterrestrials, but that does not mean that other potentially existing creatures do not have evidence of our existence. Thus, domination of our planet or galaxy or the whole dang universe could be eminent. Isn’t that fun to think about? On a more “realistic” (what is reality, anyway) note, however, people on this planet are currently plotting world domination. I may or may not be one of them, but that’s not important. What is important is that, since the beginning of the modern civilization, people have wanted to rule the world. Take our much better and more pleasing sounding friend folk across the pond. The English have attempted to take over more countries than there are moons in our solar system. Only 22 countries of the more than 200 in the world have never experienced British invasion. The United States has also done its fair share of conquering and imperialism-ing. Take pre-World War Numero Uno, for example. The U.S. snatched Cuba (sort of) from Spain and gained Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico in the process. That’s not mentioning the fact that we, quite literally, overthrew the government of Hawaii and voted to force them to join the United States. Russia likes to take stuff that doesn’t belong to it too. Along with Japan, China, and the Romans. The world has a long, long history of thievery and conquering. That’s how things happen, I guess. Empires and such. The fact of the matter, is that it’s still happening, too. Take terrorist organizations in the Middle East, namely ISIS. They’re conquering cities and leveling things that don’t belong to them. So, right now, yes right now, someone—lots of someones, actually—is planning world domination. Somewhere on the planet and perhaps somewhere off in outer space too. 

Assignment 20- Caroline Couch

How to waste 10-15 minutes in every class
1. this may only pertain to girls. not to be sexist but guys don't carry around color coated agendas.
2. Obtain an agenda that is big enough to write numerous assignment and useless time wasting crap in.
3. Obtain many colorful pens that are fun to write with and will also be used to waste time.
4. determine what every color is designated to what class and/or after school activity. for example: physics is red, and work is navy.
5. Take your time writing down all your assignments in their corresponding colors.
6. do this while the teacher is talking
     side note: do this during APUSH warmups and Mr. Cain will never call on you. it works like a charm. another side note, if you use this during Physics Mrs. Gill will think that youre super cool.
7. After each class you go into your planner and cross out whatever assignment you had and then edit your planner some more.
8. Voila you've wasted a good 10 minutes in each class

This tip does not apply to those taking Mrs. Dewees’s class

Assignment 22- Chelsea Avery

If I could be a fictional character, I would choose to be Bilbo Baggins. I would chose him for a few reasons.
Firstly, Frodo is the worst. I would never want to be Frodo, he is so mean to Samwise and makes the whole journey to Mordor so much harder than it needed to be. He is trash.
Secondly, somehow, he turns out alright. Sure, some people die but he ends up with a pretty cool ring and sword. Not only does he gain material items, but he has an awesome journey.  I want to have that kind of awesome adventure with my friends. He hangs out with all these cool wizards and elves and such. Also, when he retires, the Shire seems pretty nice. I like to get out and do things but I can also be immensely lazy. A quiet place like that doesn't seem too bad.

Assignment 20 - Jackson Leach

I am very untalented at everything. Except getting absolutely yoked. I wake up, strain my muscles until they rip, drink protein, then sleep. All Day. Every Day. I pride myself in my ability to be the absolute alpha male in every situation due to my insanely built and vascular body parts. My secret that I would impart on those of you that may or may lift one tenth of what I lift: treat the world as your personal dumbbell. Picking up a box too heavy (no such thing as too heavy) to lift with one arm? Turn that shit into a dead lift. See a an old woman struggling with her grocery bags? pick up all of her bags and the woman. With one arm. See your dog being lazy? Curl that puppy. The world is a gym and you are the conduit through which all the awesome power of getting jacked as Jesus lies. Only the few may be swole, for them it is a privilege, and responsibility.

Assignment 22- Ben Lambert

If I could be any fictional character, I'd probably have to choose Barry from the Flash. Barry is The Flash himself. Being able to run at super sonic speeds would be pretty cool, I guess. If i were Barry, I could hold every record dealing with running (marathons, 100 meter races, hurdles) ever. Although, I would have to hold back from running too fast so that I am not disqualified for having superpowers. I could also stop a lot of crime in the world. In the show, Barry saves the city countless times from criminals, whether it be small-scale offenses like shoplifting or it be stopping a mega-mind from destroying the world. Barry is also a very smart guy. I'm pretty sure that before he got his powers-which he received after being struck by lightning from a power plant- that he was a physicist. And to add the cherry on top, he's a pretty attractive dude.

Assignment 21- Chelsea Avery

In this very moment, an academy student gets a cramp in their hand. They scribble the main idea of the New Deal on the back of a color-coded note card and watch the minute had take another lap around the face of the clock. They begin to feel their head ache due to the sleep deprivation and realization that they have not even started chapter questions yet. They reach for their phone and begin to ask everyone they know for help. "Do you have chapter 21 done?" They ask that one person who sits behind them in class even though they never really talk. At this time, there is not much left to do. Do they fake sick? Do they pull an all-nighter? Either way, it will get done. The academy student will chuckle as they recall the times they have done the same thing in previous years. AP Government was just the beginning, AP World was no surprise. In this moment, an academy student realizes the true power of procrastination.

Assignment 21: Connor Haney

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...
... A baby is born, leaving the parents in awe.
... Someone died, giving people remorse.
... Someone checked their phone for those sports updates.
... Someone cried over something pointless.
... Someone laughed from a joke that most people would normally cringe at.
... Someone is playing the sport they love.
... Someone is learning something new.
... Someone spent money on something completely useless.
... Someone is saving their money to purchase a good investment.
... Someone is sleeping through the night.
... Someone is in the process of waking up.
... Someone is in the shower getting ready for the day.
... Someone is getting ready for school.
... Someone is getting ready for work.
... Someone is riding a bike on the sidewalk.
... Someone is enjoying their view from a mountain top.
... Someone is studying for their next big test.
... Someone is doing their homework the class before it is due.
... Someone is procrastinating on their homework by watching Netflix, etc.
... Someone is writing a blog post.

Assignment 21- Ben Lambert

Right now, somewhere in the universe, wars are being fought. Lives are beginning, and lives are being brought to an end. People are falling in love-whether it be with other people, activities, items, etc- and divorce papers were just signed. Someone is learning to play the piano, while another is quitting their life-long passion of music. Someone just lost their job, and someone was just employed. Right now, a starving dog is walking the cold streets of New York City while another is being cradled in its loving home. Someone is reading a classic work of literature, while a young writer looks to create the next one. And it's all happening right here on Earth. People always wonder about what's happening somewhere out there, whether extraterrestrial life exists, and what other planets are like. Bored with our lives here, we become so infatuated with the unknown that we block out what we do know and are capable of doing. But when taking a step back, it becomes apparent that Earth isn't so boring after all.

Assignment 20- Chelsea Avery

How to survive an open-to-close shift at Monkey Joes:
1. Recognize the night before that you will want to die, try to get some rest.
2. Show up on time with a smile on your face, if your manager is happy with you, your day may be a little easier.
3. As the guests begin to line up at the door, don't be alarmed. Remember to breathe.
4. Communicate with your coworkers as the line of screaming children begins to trail out the door.
5. Watch out for your hungover coworkers. If they aren't scheduled an opening shift, they will probably party all night and may vomit.
6. Steal candy throughout the day to keep yourself going. No matter how hungry you get, DO NOT EAT THE HOTDOGS.
7. Try not to watch the clock too much, your break will come soon enough.
8. Hide in the bathroom when the building reaches max capacity but the people keep coming in. Just take cover and hope to survive.
9. Talk to people to keep yourself sane. Listening to the cotton candy machine play music all day will make you crazy.
10. Make an announcement that we will be closing in 15 minutes when there are still 30 minutes left until close. Just do it. The people will never leave if you don't.

Assignment 21- Caroline Couch

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe millions of people are dying from starvation, AIDS, terrorism, cancer, etc. This may seem harsh but it is the harsh reality, and that is just life. People die and thats how life is. But, at the same time again peoples lives are being saved by marvelous doctors that spend 8 extra years going to medical school and internships and schooling, but thats another story. At his moment an innocent little boy from Africa cries to his mom because he hasnt eaten in a week and the mom tells him not to worry, and to go play outside. The mother sits in her grass hut and cries because she has six children to feed, but she only has enough food to feed five not including herself. These children go to school in a hut with a dirt floor while theri mother works to get food for them. Th fact of the matter is is that the sixth child will die or starvation. So yeah thats whats happening somewhere in this universe.

Assignment 21- Caroline Couch

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe millions of people are dying from starvation, AIDS, terrorism, cancer, etc. This may seem harsh but it is the harsh reality, and that is just life. People die and thats how life is. But, at the same time again peoples lives are being saved by marvelous doctors that spend 8 extra years going to medical school and internships and schooling, but thats another story. At his moment an innocent little boy from Africa cries to his mom because he hasnt eaten in a week and the mom tells him not to worry, and to go play outside. The mother sits in her grass hut and cries because she has six children to feed, but she only has enough food to feed five not including herself. These children go to school in a hut with a dirt floor while their mother works to get food for them. Th fact of the matter is is that the sixth child will die or starvation. So yeah thats whats happening somewhere in this universe.

Assignment 21 : Sabrina Lozada

Somewhere in the world there is a little boy, between 4 and 5 years old, that says he is still hungry. He watches his mother smile at him weakly with eyes full of tears as she offers the small portion of food she has. The mother goes to bed with an empty stomach. The next day the boy is served a bit more than his usual portion. The mother watches as her son enthusiastically eats his breakfast, smiling as her growling stomach begs for food. 
Somewhere in the world a girl a teenage girl rushes out of school to get to work. She deals with rude and nagging people. Exhausted, she rushes back home. When she enters she walks to her mother's room and sees her mom sleeping. She checks her mother's temperature and she has a fever. Every night her mother's condition worsens. She sighs and goes to fetch a cloth and prepares for a long night of caring for her mother.  
Somewhere in the world someone lives without a necessity that we often overlook in our lives They do not have the means to eat three meals a day. They do not have access to medical assistance. There are people that need our help but we often forget about those people. 

Assignment 22: Naylan James

If I could be absolutely anybody from a fictional story, I'd be Chuck Bass from gossip girl. I've seen like 2 episodes of that show but I can already tell that man is living the high-life. He's stupid rich, so he can do absolutely anything he wants. He can fly around and go to any country he wants whenever he wants. That's basically all I need in life. But to add to that, he's also pretty good looking. I don't know how such a young handsome man could have so much money, but he does (in the show at least.) I barely know the character and wouldn't even put him in my top 10 television show characters , but I'd definitely live his life if I were given the opportunity. My favorite character on tv is Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, but his life sucks, so I'd absolutely hate to live in that situation.

Assignment 20- Ben Lambert

How to get a 4.0 in high school:
Warning: before partaking on this endeavor be aware of the overbearing stress, times of depression, and loss of sense of self that will accompany your journey.
Coming into high school, many people see themselves graduating with straight A's. Like becoming a Navy SEAL, the majority of participants are filtered out along the way due to a variety of features. Freshman year is a bit of a confidence booster, featuring mainly easy classes that are very possible to achieve good grades in. Sophomore year steps it up a bit, and junior year truly bends you over. In order to achieve your goal, you have to remain mentally tough at all times. Learn to manage your time effectively and develop studying habits. Find ways to manage your stress because there will be lots of it. For APUSH especially, don't put unit assignments off until the night before. Make sure you really need the 4.0 because if you plan on staying in state or going to a smaller school, all of this work may not be entirely necessary.

Assignment 21: Naylan james

Right now, there is someone on I-40 towards Nashville in an emmende amount of pain. Not physical pain, but emotional pain. Their team just lost. They just suffered a painful elite 8 loss at the hands of North Carolina. Was it fair? No. Were the refs biased? Yes. That same person on the highway is now thinking about what could've been done differently. What could've stopped that painful shot. Should he have ran onto the court and stopped it himself? Maybe. It's too late now. As he looks out the window into the darkness of Tennessee, he's forced to see that white guy hit the jump shot again and again and again. He now has to wait until November to watch his beloved wildcats play again. That someone is heartbroken. That someone is me. That someone is everyone else driving from Memphis to Lexington tonight. That someone is everyone in Lexington, suffering at the hands of a white guy named Luke Maye

Assignment 22: Connor Haney

If I had to choose one fictional character out of any fictional novel/series, it would have to be Harry Potter. Firstly, being a wizard and having the ability to use magic would be fun. Then there's the fact that he survived a deadly curse when he was a baby which would be a good story to tell people. I guess in that sense I would be cocky by just going up to everyone I meet saying, "yeah I survived a deadly spell that killed both my parents, what have you been doing with your life?" I don't really know if that's something that would get me friends but I'd be having a lot of fun boasting about that aspect of my life. Also, being "The Chosen One" would be kind of cool, although the stress of having to live up to my nickname would catch up to me. Finally, being able to defeat the world's most powerful wizard would be a great highlight to have in my life.

Assignment 22- Caroline Couch

I am not particularly fond of fictional stories therefore i would not want to be a fictional character. They are always too rash and completely irrational i my opinion. I suppose if i had to pick someone to be i would be Auggie from "Wonder". He is just a young boy entering the 8th grade after being home schooled for his entire life because of many disabilities. I specifically chose him because the way he sees the world and all he perceives everything. Wait no scratch that, i would be Vee from Nerve because why not. Also she is one of the coolest people ever and i have no self confidence and live in a bubble much like she did and how she did all those dares and went out of her comfort zone is admirable. Yes, the movie was extremely irrational and the characters were rash but Vee is kind of an inspiration to those who have zero confidence, so yeah that is who i would be if i had to pick a fictional character.

Assignment 20 - Ella Franklin

How to: Play "Tiny Dancer" at a moment's notice

1. Take 8 years of piano lessons.
2. Ask your teacher if you can play "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John at your recital. He will be noticeably disappointed, but not surprised. He will say yes.
3. Begin practicing "Tiny Dancer."
4. Perfect playing "Tiny Dancer."
5. Memorize how to play "Tiny Dancer."
6. Sign up for a recital. Preferably one that doesn't interfere with Mother's Day or AP tests.
7. Show up at the recital. Though you might be inclined to wear a bedazzled suit, don't. A white dress is fine.
8. Play "Tiny Dancer." You'll mess up. It's alright, you do every year. At least you're one of the last to go, so you're one of the best students.
9. Leave the recital.
10. Anytime you go anywhere with anyone you know or want to impress, look around for a piano. Especially reccomended when at someone's home.
11. If there is a piano, ask if you can play something.
12. Sit down. Make sure everyone you are with is also sitting down. This sometimes takes people back a bit.
13. Play "Tiny Dancer."
14. Now people will be friends with you.

Assignment 20: Connor Haney

How to successfully procrastinate:
Step 1. First off, you have to be assigned the homework/assignment that is due.
Step 2. Immediately put it in your backpack.
Step 3. Completely forget about the assignment or continue telling yourself that you need to start on it while not moving from wherever you are.
Step 4. Continue binge-watching Netflix or HBOGO or whatever you watch in your free time while not even worrying about your assignment.
Step 5. Go to bed without doing any of your homework
Step 6. Wake up and frantically start on all of the stuff that you didn't do the night before.
Step 7. If you don't have time before school, there's always your first hour class that you dedicate strictly to do homework in.
Step 8. Get the assignment done as quickly as possible while meeting all of the requirements to get an A on the assignment and you are good to go.

Assignment 22 - Ella Franklin

Rory Gilmore. I don't even need to think about it.

I watched Gilmore Girls my freshman year. I wasn't lonely freshman year, but I was a loner. But I always have been, and after you are for a while it's something you get very comfortable with. But then the older you get as a loner the more issues you have, like intimacy and opening up to someone and all that. I haven't had to deal with that yet though. I don't think Rory Gilmore ever did.

Rory was everything I wanted to be as a young woman. Freshman year I felt very bad about myself, only because I felt like I wasn't doing enough in school. I felt like I wasn't doing enough clubs and my classes were stupid and the whole year there was just a strong sense of hopelessness. I've never had it so bad as I did my freshman year.

But Rory Gilmore had it good. The only way I survived my freshman year was by living vicariously through Rory. Rory was an achieving student: rising editor of the Chilton newspaper (basically my dream as a freshman), way overstressed due to class load (loved that), had some boy issues (not what I wanted for myself, but appreciated for plot purposes).

As a freshman, I felt like my life just hadn't quite started yet. I saw potential in myself, but I thought I needed time to achieve it. And Rory to me was like a window into what I would grow into. Really, Rory was how I envisioned myself at like, now. And has that proved to be true? I don't know. Do you ever really know? There's this speech Matthew McConaughey gave at the Oscars or something where he talked about how if there were anyone he could have dinner with, it would be himself in ten years. And it always is. Because you never really reach yourself in ten years. Your always chasing that. And I feel like I am always chasing my Rory Gilmore. And I hope I never get it.

Assignment 21 - Ella Franklin

Someone's up somewhere really high. In a tall building. On the balcony of a 54th story penthouse. In an airplane. I'm picturing the scene in Forest Gump where Jenny is about to jump off the balcony of a building, and that song is playing. Free Bird. Lynyrd Skynyrd. That might be happening to someone right now. I hope not, but it might be. I'm just saying that because it's night time, and night time gives you that kind of feeling. On the edge.

Honestly, let's just face the sad truth of it. Sure, somewhere someone just met their future spouse, and maybe someone just died in a car wreck, or maybe someone just got married. But honestly, someone is just getting off their 5-9 shift. Yeah, 5-9 because that is the new 9-5 and it has been since 2014. And they are so relieved to finally get off their shift. And now they can go home, and be who they really are. Or maybe see someone they love. Or maybe think about seeing someone they love. Or maybe they had a song stuck in their mind the whole shift, and they just got in the car and they are going to play that song the whole way home. I'm picturing a guy, so I can start using masculine pronouns. He's listening to some song that was running through his head the whole damn shift. It's the Grateful Dead. But deep cut Grateful Dead, no "Casey Jones." He has an old car, like late nineties, so he doesn't have a regular aux. He has one of those cassette-for-aux deals. But that's in style now so it's cool but he doesn't realize that, not that it would matter much to him. He drives some random old crusty car, like a Volvo or something. I wish I could say he drives a Cadillac and then that "Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac" line from that Don Henley song would work, but he doesn't own a Cadillac at all.

His house is about 10 minutes away from work. It's an apartment that he shares with one of his buddies. It's messy. It smells like burnt ramen. There are empty milk cartons on the counter. Maybe a box of Cheez-Its that are stale from not being closed properly sitting on top of the fridge.

I'm having trouble figuring out what he does once he gets home. I imagine his roommate is probably just sitting gone the couch watching Barstool Sports or something but he doesn't really feel like hanging out with him too much. He usually doesn't. So instead he just goes to sleep.

Philip Allison assignment 22

If I could be any functional character in the history of creation, I think I would have to go with the Jabba the Hutt's little pet who sits on a little perch and laughs all the time. His life just seems perfect. He clearly doesn't have to do much at all, and he definitely has the most fun possible to have. Even though Jabba is a little cruel sometimes, I bet that if your on his good side he could be a really nice guy. Seriously, I bet he has many awesome stories about causing havoc across the galaxy; really interesting and entertaining stuff. But no one wants to be jabba because he has too much pressure on him, not to mention the morbid obesity. Poor guy needs to get a tinder or something. They must have an intergalactic tinder a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, right? But the little guy has too much fun, it would be hard to pass up such an opportunity. Free housing, free food, what else can a man want? Live life one day at a time fellas,

Philip Allison Assignment 21

At this very moment, in a galaxy fairly close by, there lies 7 planets. These planets have been discovered by NASA, probably through the nerdity and sleeplessness that pervades the national administration. I would love to work for NASA if I was better at math, but that's not gonna happen. Anyway, the astronauts, also a very unique job, should be sent to these planets soon. On these plantes, I imagine there is alien life. They are thought to be inhabitable, as they could have oceans, but we won't know for sure until we sacrifice a brave soul to his inevitable death by alien. Because we all know that whoever we send will be harvested for brain material, gray matter, and "information." These astronauts will probably be deemed insufficent as "leader" and will unfortunately perish into darkness and stomach. On these planets, the aliens are not little green men in silver suits. They are vicious and 9-15 feet tall, resembling giant naked mole rats. I can't think of what else they could be.

Assignment 21: Caden Reynolds

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe, there are beings co-existing in a world similar to the way we do. The universe is so vast and big we know relatively nothing of everything to know about the universe. For all we know, there may be another earth like planet with people who have evolved similar to the way we have. There is so much to learn and explore about the universe, we can't even imagine the breakthroughs we may come across in our lifetime, we may come in contact with other beings in the universe that we can converse with. We may branch out beyond earth and live within another atmosphere. Somewhere, along Einstein's thinking, there is an alternate universe where people are living the same as we do. So maybe in this alternate universe, I am writing this about something slightly different. Maybe in another alternate universe, I am not writing this blog at all because I chose to drop out of school and sell drugs on the street. :(

Assignment 20: Caden Reynolds

How to Shoot a Lacrosse Ball
1. First you put a lacrosse ball in the pocket of your lacrosse stick
2. Assuming your are shooting right handed, place your left hand at the bottom of the stick, and your right hand about two thirds of the way down the stick
3. Point your left shoulder and your toes on your left foot pointing towards the goal.
4. Bring your hands away from your body, left hand on the same level as your ear and your right hand above your head
5. Once your in this position, you are ready to shoot the ball. Twist your body with your back facing the goal.
6. Imagine that you are punching the ground with your right hand, and 'punch' the lacrosse ball right into the goal
7. If you complete all these steps, you should shoot the ball right in the goal. These specific steps will most likely make the shot a bounce shot.

Assignment 22- Colton Warner

One time at Magee's, one of the workers told me that I looked like Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones, and it was a huge ego boost, but I wouldn't want to be Jaime or a lot of my other favorite fictional characters because the ones I like the most are the most absurd. I would never actually want to be Lucille Bluth or Ja'ime King or Frank Underwood- their lives are too messed up. So we're going with James Bond. I know it's kind of a cop out, but he's just too cool not to want to be. In five days, I watched all of them, and since there are several actors who portray different characters, I'll choose which ones I would want to be. George Lazenby was in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and I would want to be him because he has the best mission and is the most renaissance man of them all. He also seems most realistic and recognizes the importance of his work, but is super crafty and thinks on the run. My other Bond would be Daniel Craig's Casino Royale character who is the most gritty and badass Bond out there. Another Renaissance man, he gets poisoned, saves himself with an emergency defibrillator, then comes back and wins 100 million dollars in a poker game all in one night. Bond works hard and plays hard, and always ends up doing the coolest things in the coolest places, so it would be sweet to be him.

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 9th at 11:59 pm

May 14th is the last day to make up blogs 23-26

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Assignment 22- Quinn Andrews

If I could be a fictional character I would want to be Temperance Brennan. Brennan is a forensic anthropologist who criss-crosses the American - Canadian border to solve crimes in South Carolina and Quebec. She helps identify those whose bodies have been damaged beyond standard identification. Aside from lab work, she'll also go to crime scenes and interviews to help with the investigation. The books are dissimilar to the tv show as in the books she is not socially awkward and has a daughter from the start. In the tv show, she is socially awkward, does not have a daughter until much later, and stays firmly in the US. I would want to be Brennan because her goal is to help people. She puts herself on the line to help others and does not get national acclaim or hero status for it. She may face hard troubles, but never faces a revolution or world disaster. Most books (which I prefer to tv) are steeped in misery, and the challenges the characters face seem impossible. For Brennan, it is by no means easy, but it is not earth-ending as many books seem to be. There are happy moments in the books. It is not all doom and gloom, as many books are.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

James Gooding - Assignment 22

            I don’t want to be a fictional character. They all receive crazy accolades, act egotistical, and have too many problems to count. That just sounds terrible. Why not just live in the real world?
            But, I will tell you what movie I apply most into my real life: The Godfather. No, I’m not a part of a large Italian family business that murders people; I just realize how many blunt, yet true lessons that movie teaches. Take the opening scene, for example. After being asked to give justice to two abusive boys, Don Vito Corleone gives a response that had a huge influence on me. “I can’t remember the last time you invited me to your house for coffee though my wife is godmother to your only child…You spurned my friendship…and you do not ask with respect.”
Don’t take shit from people who don’t respect you. Value the friendship of people. Not a day goes by where I don’t keep these lessons at the top of my mind. So in some regards, I want to be Don Vito Corleone.

            On a side note, I watched the movie because my grandfather told me to watch it, and to take to heart the messages it tells you. Just the fact that he was the one who told me to watch it is probably why the movie is so important to me.