Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 20: Dylan Ruddy

How to save a life
Adult and Child single person CPR
1. Check the scene and make sure it is safe to approach
2. Put on gloves if you have them
3. Make sure the person is actually unconscious, Tap their shoulder and shout to make sure they're not just asleep. (if they are not conscious get someone to call for help)
4. Tilt their head back to open their airways, then look as their chest, put your ear next to their mouth to listen for breathing, and feel for a pulse in their neck
5. If no pulse and no breathing, begin 30 chest compressions on their sternum in the middle of their chest. Lay both hands open on top of the chest, the bottom one open, the top one with fingers interlocking between the knuckles of the ones on the bottom. For a child do not go any deeper than 2 in. for an adult go at least 2 in. but no deeper than 2.4 in. (you will hear cracking and that is okay, you are breaking the cartilage and some ribs in order to pump the heart)
6. Then tilt the head back and give two ventilation making sure the chest clearly rises. You can use a breathing barrier, towel, or even a shirt to help prevent the spread of any diseases when you are giving mouth to mouth.
7. Only stop if they have signs of life, the scene becomes unsafe, an AED arrives, someone more experienced arrives, or you are about to keel over from exhaustion.

P.S. I did not just copy this from the internet, I am actually certified to teach this.

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