Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Assignment 17- Caden Reynolds

The Theory of Everything
87% on Rotten Tomatoes

Although this movie was not released over winter break, this was surprisingly the only movie I watched over the break. Someone recommended I watch it because they thought I would like it, they were right. The premise is an overview of Steven Hawking's life after he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Seeing how he defied impossible odds and coped with such a life threatening disease to pursue his amazing scientific advancements was very interesting to me. I thought Eddie Redmayne did a fantastic job playing the role of Stephen Hawking. He made the disease seem very realistic. I heard that he even spent a lot of time with Stephen Hawking studying his mannerisms. He used his eyebrows, other facial muscles, and the fingers from one hand to express Hawking's outstanding intellect as well as his humor.

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